14 x Show It

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It was an abnormally cold day in San Fran. The wind cutting through the buildings and leaving no tree unmoved. Cynatra sat on the floor of her once furnished office. The floors were currently being ripped up and the walls would be knocked down tomorrow.

There were clear storage containers in front of her as she organized various items from the room.

The game that was supposed to be happening tonight had been cancelled due to weather conditions, the Celtics were not approved to fly as the storms across the country had taken over the sky. Juan would be on his way to the gym but he was taking too long,

Cynatra sighed as she looked at the time again. She called Juan and he didn't answer which worried her.

"Where the hell is he?" She thought to herself.

Juan's phone was dead, he was stuck in traffic, and the charger in his car was broken. He had bought more containers to help pack up the office and food, he always needed food.

When he arrived to the gym he noticed a few cars parked outside including Cynatra's.

"Hey, sorry my phone died." Her eyes lit up seeing him walk through the door. She jumped up to hug him.

Her arms were wrapped around his torso while he held the food. "I wanna be able to hug you back but the food is in my hand."

She let him go and went back to placing things in the containers.

He placed the food down on the lone desk, and carried the containers to the middle where she was sat.

"I'm guessing you called me."
"Yeah, three times. Thought something happened to you."

"Well, I'm here now, I'm safe. Got you some food."
"Thank you."

She kept the conversation short, feeling herself get emotional. Lately every thing made her the opposite of what she was, expressive.

"What did you get?"

"I got you some salmon and shrimp Alfredo."

She smiled because she had been craving Alfredo for the last two weeks and never had the time to make it herself.

"You're coming to Atlanta right?"

Juan asked if she was interested in going to their away game in Atlanta. He knew she hadn't been in years and he thought it would be a good idea to visit, maybe stopping past her old school.

"Yeah, I'm going. When is it again?"
"Next month, but you don't have to worry about that right now. But I do have an update on that family and friends night."

"When is it?"
"It's this weekend. You free to go?"

"Yeah I can make an appearance." She smiled, she had to ask Juan a question and wasn't sure how he would respond.

"I've got a few questions." He looked over at her.
"Ask away."

"One, what do I expect at this event? I really don't know anyone."

"Honestly you know more than enough people already. They're all gonna love you. Steph loves sarcasm so you'll get along well. I think Klay is the one most looking forward to meeting you."

"The Splash brothers wanna be besties? Sounds good to me. Can I know why Klay wants to meet me? Cause if it's anything more than friendly, I'm gonna pass. I've already got a ball player in my back pocket." She joked.

"You think you're so damn funny, haha." He scolded her. Cyn had been making jokes about having Juan's number. She snatched him in that very office and he had not been the same since.

Kindred Spirits | Juan Toscano-AndersonWhere stories live. Discover now