Chapter 40 - The final celebration!

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Merca was quickly back into the med bay, organising better treatment for herself and Zen. Fritz's bandages on Zen had held strong but with Merca operating the more precise equipment, Zen was stitched up good as new.

Meanwhile, Vontaine had looked at Gladius's shoulder. The plated metal on the back of it was quite interesting to him. He pulled it apart quickly revealing it was a cooling mechanism. This allowed Gladius to punch incredibly fast, like a Gatling gun, and once his arms reached their limits, they shut off and cooled down.

"Integrate that," A voice said inside his mind, which he now placed as Kalavont.

*worth a try* he said putting his hand on the shoulder part. He watched this time as nanites crawled out of his fingers, or rather, his hand seemed to melt around the shoulder plating before being absorbed into him, his hand reforming to normal.

"Woah... is that what a Kylamain is?" He asked out loud.

Kallavont responded " You're abilities are similar to Merca's, but she ain't mechanical, she's organic," He explained.

"Right. So, she has liquid metal or Ranth. I've got nanites, which aren't liquid but their so small they look like they are," he realised.

"Bingo," he said before his voice faded into the background.

Vontaine got giddy, jumping up and down although it hurt a lot.

"Ok, lots of broken bones, arms are destroyed and the side of my face is burnt off," he said clutching his side.

He walked off then, back towards the ship and along the way, found Chester smoking a cigarette. He was sitting down next to his enemy's lifeless body.

"Hey, you got a big kill," Vontaine said with a grin.

"Same to you. I assume he's dead," Chester said breathing out smoke.

"Yeah," he wheezed, sitting down beside him.

"This was Calthawn, he fought Valiantly," Chester replied calmly.

"Yeah very cool. Hope you had a good fight," Vontaine breathed, pulling the cigarette from Chester's fingers and taking in a puff.

"How was your fight?" He asked after a while.

"Yeah good but I'm almost dead... lost a lot of blood so, let's get to the ship," he said, handing the cigarette back to Chester.

"Yeah good idea. Got a lot of internal bleeding from those attacks," he replied before getting up slowly and they both walked back to the ship.

"Vonty you alive?" Fritz asked over their comms.

"Yeah, with Chester, coming back now, how is everyone?".

"No idea where Malketa is but everyone else is here," Fritz responded.

He quickly changed his transmission.

"Malketa you OK?".

"Yep! Just finished rounding up all of the gunners now," she responded quickly.

"Good job, come back to the Kryber quickly. How's your body?".

"Good. I was too fast for their bullets!" She said happily.

"Wonderful. See you soon," he said before ending the call.

They all quickly assembled back in the Kryber and Malketa jumped back into its hull to begin procedures on Vontaine and Chester.

As the procedures were finished they heard a faint knock on the docking bay door.

"Malketa, who's there?" Merca asked.

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