Chapter 31- Down to business!

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They had moved back into the Kryber and followed Malela's direction, flying out in front of them. After a while of flying, she flew down to a small town. They quickly followed and landed again in the center of it.

The small crowd of people in this town watched on as the Kryber landed safely and they got out.

The people here looked similar to their heart but not as extravagant. Adorning their heads were flowers and foliage in different colours and arrangements. Their bodies were different shades of green with long flower pedals flowing off their shoulders. And their legs ended in blunt stumps instead of any kind of feet.

"Woah, you guys look cool," Vontaine said upon stepping outside.

They talked in an alien language that sounded like rustling flora. Whispers.

Malela reformed again in front of them.

"May I?" She asked moving close to Vontaine and raising her hand to his forehead. Now that she was closer he finally noticed how tall she was, easily towering over him.

"Uhh, yeah sure," he said cautiously.

She pressed her thumb to his forehead and he was instantly filled with knowledge. As she took her hand away, the language that sounded like whispers now sounded like his own, he could understand them.

She did the same procedure with Merca and Fritz.

"So can they understand us now too?" Vontaine asked.

Malela nodded with a smile.

"You know your end of the deal, I'll leave it in your hands," she said sweetly before vanishing.

They looked at each other. Vontaine gave an impressed look before talking.

"Hello everyone. Can you understand me?" He shouted.

A small boy ran from her mother's cautious grasp to him, peering up at his curious gaze.

"You look weird," he said blankly.

Vontaine smiled warmly at the young boy and knelt.

"Well, I think you look cool. What's your name?" He asked.

"Vika. That's my mom over there her name is Lemon," he said, pointing to her innocently.

"Lemon? That's a... nice name. So is Vika. My name is Vontaine. This is Merca, and this is Fritz," he said.

By this point, the mother had gotten closer out of curiosity and protection of her baby boy.

"My name is not Lemon, it's Lamonet," she said hesitantly.

"It's nice to meet you," Merca said warmly.

"Who are you, people? Why are you blessed enough to talk with our heart?" She asked cautiously.

"We're here to help you guys. Your heart told us that you people are at war," Vontaine started.

"Yes. Well. Not us. We live on a smaller continent so they leave us alone. As well as the protector. He abides here too, they dont dare threaten," she explained.

"Something tells me that's Chester," Vontaine said.

"Yes, that is his name. He looks like you which makes him alien to us but he protects us, which makes him good," she said.

"Well, we are here to stop that war from breaking out. But needed to meet Chester first," he replied looking around.

"I can take you to him. He lives on the outskirts of this town, follow," she said, before picking up Vika and quickly taking off.

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