Chapter 9 - Fighting for info.

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The newly named, Alcrist 2 scanned for a clear landing space. They decided to land far outside of a giant city packed with housing, the Alcrist 2 had locks but no other security systems in place so parking it somewhere people could see it was a bad idea.

So they moved to a forested area in the woods and found a small clearing where they landed. They then covered the ship in leaves and headed to the main city, leaving Zen as a guard dog.

As they neared it, they saw a giant wall that stretched around it and made their way to the entrance.

"No guards," Merca said peering through the entrance.

"Yeah, let's just keep our heads out of trouble until we find something" Vontaine replied looking around.

His eyes found a box of old clothes a ways away from the entrance and walked over to it filtering through it.

He found some old brown cloaks and tried it on, it fit him well enough but the other was too long for Merca.

"I got this," she said as her index finger turned into a long thin blade, with it she cut the cloak in half and put it on.

It now fit her, flowing down to above her ankles but she forgot the sleeves.

"You look cute," Vontaine said holding back a giggle.

"Shut up," she said quietly, a blush creeping across her cheeks.

"I wanted the sleeves this long" she huffed in defence.

"Oh really?" He replied with a chuckle.
"If you say so, ready to go?" He added.

"Yeah whatever," she said definitely.

They both entered the city as quietly as possible and looked around. The houses in this area were all so close together and the streets were thin. As it was night time it was hard to make out a lot of the area but they made do and kept moving straight. Almost nobody was around, doors and windows on most houses were boarded up with metal bars.

"This is unexpected," Vontaine said.

"I thought there would be more stuff happening," Merca replied looking around.

They kept walking forward and heard bustling noise coming from their left. As they peered through an alleyway, they saw hundreds of people going about their business. The street they saw had shops, restaurants, and pubs along the sides. Some of the shops had people stealing, and running out with tills and bottles of alcohol.

On the other side, two men brandishing daggers were fighting, eventually one of them won, driving his dagger through the other man's chest.

"Well this is gonna be fun," Vontaine said sarcastically.

"It may not be fun for you but it will be for me," Merca said with a devilish grin.

"Your way to OK with killing people," he said disapprovingly.

"I thought you were used to it by now," she replied with a smile. Despite her tendencies, she looked adorable running ahead with her sleeves that were way too long and her cute little smile.

*Goddam it shes too cute* he thought as he caught up to her.

As they walked through the bustling street they watched people from under the holds of their cloaks looking for the same symbol, cloth over the eyes and spewing blood.

They had been searching for a while when 2 men stood in their path not moving.

"These two look wealthy," The one on the left said.

"Wanna kill them?" The other asked.

"Deffinitely," the first one said with a manic grin.

"We don't want any trouble, get out of our way and you won't get hurt," Vontaine said pulling his hood off his head, revealing his long white hair and strong jawline, an intimidating look etched across his face.

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