Chapter 23 - a devistating battle and the threat of war.

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Kenkai Malibu was large, almost as big as Verilik but slightly leaner. His hair was blond and long but it had been tied up into a bun. A stubble beard clung to his jagged jawline.

As it was night time he had just woken up, so the only thing he was wearing was a pair of long track pants.

"Kenkai Malibu huh? Let's get goin," Vontaine said rushing forward with insane speed! He activated his elbow thrusters and send a devastating punch forward.

He blocked the punch but was soon to regret it. As Vontaine's fist careened into his forearm, a sharp jolt of electricity shot through him. At the same time, Fritz had rushed forwards sending a quick Slash at Malibu's right leg.

He let out a shriek before getting angry.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" He screamed as a shockwave of force erupted from him, pushing Vontaine and Fritz away with tremendous speed. Fritz was instantly pushed into the ground, his feet sinking into the sand, and Vontaine flew back into the tree line.

Suddenly, Malibu felt something in his head. It felt like a crushing sensation that wrapped his brain in pain.

"Ahh, what the fuck?!" He winced looking around.

Zen had taken a defensive position and was peering daggers at Malibu.

Before he could rush onto Zen, Vontaine was up again.

Now knowing that he was Kylamain, his cybernetic advancements were getting easier. He was now able to activate both full arms, his chest, shoulder blades, and helmet all at once!

Once activated, he lept into the fight again, his movement was now even faster with the help of his shoulder rockets.

He flew back into combat sending his fist straight at Malibu's face who dodged with ease. Vontaine landed easily and shot back again just as fast, landing a clean jab to his jaw.

Fritz flew in as well. This time he had also activated his elbow thruster and sliced his blade across Malibu's stomach. Although his blade was long and his strike was true, the cut did not run deep.

*was sure I had a good line there* he thought, kicking up swirls of wind as he spun around and landed.

"Come on!" Malibu screamed as he sent out a punch to Vontaine. He blocked it but the impact still sent him flying, he caught himself just in time with his shoulder jets.

Vontaine slowly lowered to the ground and readied himself again.

"Enough!" He yelled rushing Vontaine again. He leapt forward sending a wave of sand over Fritz.

He charged at tremendous speed and launched his fist toward him. Vontaine wasn't quick enough and suffered the full force of his attack. His head was pushed back deep into the sand and a second shockwave emanated, cracking his face plate.

Just as he was about to attack again, Fritz moved in.

"How about this then?" He snapped, plunging his blades into Malibu's back.

He let out a shriek of pain as he felt his flesh separate. Fritz then tried to remove his blades but couldn't.

Malibu's back tensed up and he thrashed at Fritz. He tried to pull them again to no avail.

"What the fuck?" Fritz yelled, tugging on the handles. As that was happening, Vontaine took the opportunity to charge up a punch.

While Malibu was distracted he activated his arm thruster. The sand underneath boiled to glass before he let off an insane punch straight into Malibu's jaw.

The force of impact let out a powerful gust of air as Malibu shifted off from above him, allowing him to get up.

However... the force from the blow sent a shock through his body that shivered up his back... it cracked the blades.

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