Chapter 27 - Interesting aura training!

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The day after the dinner, Vontaine had asked Malibu to train him. Malibu had some knowledge of aura that he wanted to know. Malibu had agreed and Merca wanted to come with them for her benefit.

They had made their way to island 26. It had some small shacks on the beachfront but further in, there was a tropical jungle area with a clearing. Perfect for some training.

"Alright. So I don't know that much about aura, but let me run over the basics before we begin," Malibu started.

"As far as I know, aura is an extension of self. It's a representation of everything that makes up your soul. All of your goals and ambitions, strengths and weaknesses and all physical and mental attributes wrapped up into your soul's purest intention... does that make sense?" He asked.

"Yeah, I can understand that. So aura is an expression of self?" Vontaine asked. He had taken off most of his gear as his jacket was too hot in this climate. Instead, he was wearing his normal pants with a breezy white singlet.

"And an extension so well done," Malibu commended.

"So how do we begin?" Merca asked. She had also taken off her gear. Instead, wearing a half-tucked button-up with a tropical flower pattern and Jean shorts.

"Alright. So neither of you know what training aura is?" Malibu started.

"Nope," they both admitted.

"Ok. So there are a whole bunch of different types of aura but the first one everyone needs to learn to do any other types is called training aura. It's the easiest to master and it shouldn't take you longer than a day or two to get the hang of," he explained, stretching out his legs and arms.

"So how do we do it?" Merca asked.

"I'll get to it, for now though get yourselves limber, stretch a bit or do some jumping jacks. Doing this will work you're body up and get ya pumped. Then we can sit down. I find it easier to concentrate that way," he said, stretching.

They followed his instruction for several minutes before sitting.

"Alright. You should feel your body start to relax a bit. As you do, I want you to take in Senses from the environment around us, close your eyes and think about three things you can feel, smell and hear and let yourself get lost in those senses" he said.

They both closed their eyes and soon the senses that were in the back of their minds as Malibu talked, were more apparent. They could feel the heat from the sun, but also the cool breeze on their skin, and the sand slowly shifting beneath their weight.

As for smells, the salt of the ocean hit their noses, it was pleasant. The cooked goods from the beach shacks below carried on the crisp wind making them salivate slightly. The third smell was the smell of the air itself. They hadn't noticed before but it smelt very clean, untouched by pollution it was almost sweet.

From the things they could hear, the constant, gentle crashing of waves on the beach almost sounded like a slow heartbeat. Coupled nicely with the gentle breeze and shimmering of foliage around them. They felt at peace, and before they knew it they had entered a meditative state.

Soon after achieving this, Malibu clapped quietly making them open their eyes.

"That was cool," Vontaine said enthused.

"So peaceful," Merca agreed with a smile.

"It is pretty great. Did you feel the world around you? Speaking to you with all of your senses?" He asked.

They smiled, almost tired in response.

"Good. So now, I want you to go back there. Close your eyes, get into that meditative space and stay there for as long as you can. This time while you're in there I want you to focus on the feeling inside your body. Usually, I start with my hand. Try and focus on the bones inside your hand and more accurately, how the muscles feel around them," he informed.

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