Chapter 39 - Battles won and Gladius defeated.

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Chester was flying through the air quickly, ricocheting from building to building stringing up webbing from his hands while avoiding attacks from the large man.

He was throwing chunks of road and broken-down hovercars at Chester while he flew, but eventually, he was back down on the ground, changing his wings back into his usual legs.

"What? Not being a coward anymore?" He taunted.

"No. Just planning contingencies," Chester said, rushing forward.

He closed the gap in seconds before wrapping his enemy completely in webbing.

To Chester's surprise, he broke out of it easily and rushed him, wrapping his meaty hands around his arms and pinning him onto the ground.

"They call me an Exterminator because I hate bugs!" He mocked before opening his mouth and breathing out a harsh, dark purple gas.

Chester held his breath and kicked the large man off of him, sending him into the air before getting up as quickly as possible.

Soon enough they were locked in a boxing match, dodging and punching as much as possible but Chester's melee attacks seemed to have little effect on the larger, muscular man.

Meanwhile, Merca was slowly gaining on the other woman. Her speed was impressive but Merca's Ranth metal was gaining her the advantage. She used her long tendrils to whip the woman into buildings and the road, usually cracking the surface she was flung at.

She had gotten in close several times but was only able to take small cuts at Merca before she either dodged or was batted away.

As that was happening, Fritz was trying his best to operate the high-tech equipment in the medical bay. Zen was getting increasingly annoyed and unimpressed.

"Ok look, I don't have a clue how any of this works. I only know the way I was taught. You trust me?" He asked.

Zen gave him a quizzical look before nodding cautiously.

Fritz grabbed some alcohol and bandages and turned back to Zen with a dumb look.

He gave a shocked look before rolling over, presenting his wound. Fritz poured the alcohol on it, making Zen whimper slightly.

"Yeah I know I'm sorry but now it won't get infected," he said, wrapping the bandages around Zens's waist and tightened it.

Meanwhile, Malketa was working with the special task force to bring down the rest of the gunmen to bring pressure off of Chester and Merca.

Suddenly, Merca watched as Chetrer was grabbed, pined, and his face was pummelled into the ground for seconds before he was able to react, merely blocking with his forearms that were covered in his exoskeleton.

As she watched, the other woman saw she was distracted and struck, sinking her dagger deep into Merca's side before twisting it. The back lash off this was severe though. Her Ranth raged.

This happened quicker than the other woman could react. Her Ranth engulfed the dagger and her hand, pushing the dagger out. Then held her in place before running over her arm and turning into an intricate bear trap that severed her hand at the wrist. It then moved up and encased her torso, then trickled down to her legs and strapped them together.

From her chest, Merca's Ranth coiled up into a mouth that loomed over the woman's head. It let out a ferocious scream, defining the woman.

Merca dropped to her knees clutching her side. She brought her hand to her face and saw blood, then looked down and saw more, spewing out of her.

She conjured her Ranth into her hand and pressed it over her new wound to no avail.

"Please, Ranth I need you," she wheezed.

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