Chapter 38 - Battles intensify! Fight to the end!

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The man who named himself Agent rushed Vontaine, who raised a block.

He lept at Vontaine with his calws, the impact emanating such force that all glass walls on the level shattered, leaving small cuts on his armour.

He thought quickly, grabbing Agent's hand and pulling him into his fist, then let go and punched again sending him rolling backwards.

"Heh, I'd say your stronger than Kree. But are you smarter?" Agent scoffed, wiping blood from his lip.

Vontaine stared him down as his legs morphed into cyber boots. A new configuration of cybernetic muscle and suspension plating on either side allowed him greater agility.

"New tricks huh?" Agent smiled before shock warped his face as Vontaine disappeared.

He felt a presence behind him and his smile dropped.

"I don't need to be smart when I fight, I'm destructive enough," Vontaine whispered before he morphed his knuckles into blade spikes and punches them through Agent's spine.

He let out a sharp hitch of air as his legs dropped out from under him.

"What did you do? You cut my spinal cord?" He said gasping for air as Vontaine threw him to the ground.

"Tell me what I wanna know and I'll put you out of your misery," he said Kneeling next to his head.

"Your sick," Agent quivered almost in tears.

"Im not sick, im angry. What's happening with Gladius?" He said, scrunching Agent's hair into his fist before lifting his head.

"I'm not telling you-" Vontaine slammed his head into the ground and pulled it back up.

"How long you wanna do this?" He snapped.

"Uhh, fuck!. Gladius is being retrieved by his guards," he answered as blood drooled from his nose and head.

"What are you doing here then?" He asked.

"Kill you, or slow you down," Agent answered quickly.

"Good boy. Depending on your race you could recover a spinal cord injury, otherwise, get a cybernetic replacement, or I could kill you, what do you want?" Vontaine asked, turning Agent's head to him.

"I'll take my chances with enhancements," he said before Vontaine dropped his head and returned to the Kryber.

Merca and Chester had made quick work of the other Agent. He was wrapped in Chester's spider silk and his face was gashed open by Merca.

"Good job. Gladius is being freed while in transit. We need to figure out where," Vontaine said as he ran into the Kryber with them following.

"Man, I just finished jumping. Did I miss the fight?" Malketa asked.

"Yeah sorry, but we have to hurry. Gladius is being freed," Vontaine said, putting the rest of his clothes on and taking the helm.

They took off quickly as Malketa scanned the surrounding area in space as far as her scans could reach.

"Nothing, no ships detected," she said.

"Shit... he tricked me," Vontaine realised, getting annoyed.

"If we have no ships out here it means that he's either arrived at Lost Vail or still on Varsalome," Chester said.

"Let's go back, Malketa do a scan of Varsalome for Gladius," Merca said.

Vontaine smiled slightly at his friend's help and intellect while heading back.

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