Chapter 26 - Ring 3.

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From the point that Kree agreed to Tiggy's proposal, the dinner went smoothly. He had decided to stay and get to know everyone more. So they all enjoyed the seven-course meal and endless alcoholic drinks!

At the end of the night, Malibu had to take Kree back to their base, as Kree was far too drunk to drive.


Approximately 760 trillion light years out from the center. Ring 3. Orbiting planet 74 in Dreadanu territory.

A man was getting dressed. He wore combat boots, long black jeans held in place by a white belt, a tucked white shirt with a black tie that matched his pants. Over the top of it all was a large, thick trench coat with a heavy-duty zipper. It covered his thin yet muscular frame quite well.

Both his shirt and trenchcoat had perfectly circular holes. Two rows of four down the sides of his spine.

He stood roughly 5 foot 11 inches tall and was sporting black hair combed to his left side and an unkempt stubble beard.

After walking out of the room he lit a cigarette and walked down a long thin aisle.

"Hunter. You have awoken," a woman said. The only word to describe her would be alien. A feminine curvy bug that looked like a cross between an ant and a praying mantis. She was covered in almost translucent robes that covered her insectoid privates.

"Yes, I have. I've been summoned by Arkin. The planet below is a young civilisation. On the brink of war. I must stop them before they reach the stars. They are too destructive," he said with a gruff voice.

"Yes. Another planet for the Dreadanu empire. Good work hunter, and may your kills be swift and painless" she said as he left.

"Yeah whatever," he mumbled under his breath as he entered a space pod. It was small by design but was extremely luxurious although, he didn't use any of its features.

He eventually arrived at another space station. This one was smaller but quite like the last, its geometry was complex. The outside walls shifted and vibrated like pulsating fabric. His small pod made contact with it and was absorbed into it.

As his pod was absorbed he stepped out almost like instinct onto a perfectly flat, white floor.

"Hunter. You are here," An old man voiced. He was in human form, unlike the woman. He was also adorned in shimmering white robes that flowed around him.

"Arkin. I am here to carry out your request," he voiced.

"Hey Chester!" A small woman yelled running to him, jumping up, and hugging him. Wrapping her arms around his head and legs around his chest, smothering his face in her bosom.

"BEVVY" the elder man snapped clenching his fist.

The man grabbed her by the underarms and gently lowered her to the ground. She was in human form, very light with supple skin and beautiful curves, covered by thin translucent fabric that showed off quite a bit of cleavage.

"Hello, Bevvy. It's nice to see you again. Please ignore her childishness, Arkin. She is still very young," He said, patting her head.

"Very well. You are lucky Chester is such a nice hunter, Bevvy," Arkin said as a throne rose from the ground behind him before he sat down.

"You are growing in age Arkin. Your son must take over soon?" Chester asked, but it was more of a statement.

"Yes... soon. This is my last sending. So make it a good one for me?" Arkin hopped.

"Of course Arkin. This should not take long," He replied.

"Can I come with you this time Chester? I wanna see you in action!" Bevvy blushed.

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