Chapter 21 - Get ready for a Raid!

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"Well, if you're all here to take down the Kree pirates we won't stop you. If you rid us of their injustice, I'll give you that scanner module you want," Tiggy said hopefully.

"Really? We weren't expecting a reward but I'll take you up on that offer!" Vontaine agreed.

"Wonderful, I've got the module, so when you are victorious, come back to me and I'll give it to you!" He said gratefully.

"No problem mayor guy, if ya could, point us in the direction of the Kree pirates that would be good," Fritz added.

"Ahh yes. As I said, this is island 33, you'll want to go to 16. A minor tidbit. They have set up their shipment base on 16 because it's the only island that can be well guarded. Islands 12 through 15 surround 16 and they have outposts on each island guarding their build site," he informed.

"Hmm. So we will have to take out those camps first before going to 16," Merca surmised.

"Sounds like it's gonna be a lot of fun!" Fritz growled.

"Well if you say so. There are some strong people among our ranks to fight with you if you'd like, we've been trying to prepare a war front against them for a while, and now that you're all here you could help us," Tiggy offered.

"If you have an army we will take it," Vontaine agreed.

"Not an army but a small task force," Tiggy corrected.

"Hey if they're strong, that's an army enough," Fritz said.

"Very true. So who might all of you be?" Tiggy asked.

"Oh crap, yeah sorry. My name is Vontaine, this is Fritz, he's a ronin and this is Merca she's an infiltrator and Intel gatherer," Vontaine introduced.

"So what are you then?" Tiggy asked.

"I... guess, I'm the captain?" Vontaine said unsure.

"Yes, you are!" Merca and Fritz yelled, both of them unshaken in their resolve!

"You are my captain, nobody else could ever come close!" Merca assured.

"Mine as well. You saved my life and built me an arm that's as good as my old one! I owe you my life," Fritz added with a respectful nod.

"So you're a captain, should have led with that, you can't keep things unspoken or people may misinterpret things you do," He explained looking at Vontaine.

"I just didn't want to impose that I'm in charge of anyone," he argued.

"How does a captain rule? With an iron fist? Or a calm companionable aura? It's up to you to decide how you captain your crew," Tiggy added.

"Well, he's been a great captain so far!" Merca said happily.

"I can't complain either, I've been taken care of Well while being under your command," Fritz noted.

Vontaine teared up slightly.

"Thanks guys, that means a lot!" He shouted holding back tears.

"This is why you need to be direct, you are their captain, say it!" Tiggy shouted happily.

"I'm a captain," Vontaine replied.

"No! Shout it!" He affirmed.

"I'm a captain!" Vontaine shouted as tears rolled down his cheek.

"Who's captain!" Tiggy yelled.

"He looked at Fritz and Merca and tears flowed faster.

"I'm your captain!" He yelled looking at them.

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