Chapter 16 - Recovery, Repair and Shopping.

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The next morning Vontaine could remember what had happened inside his mind while he "blacked out", so he had explained himself to everyone.

"How are you feeling?" Yida asked as he entered, seeing Vontaine and Fritz still in their beds.

Merca was already sitting in her previous seat and Zen had taken to curling up on Vontaine's lap now that he was feeling better.

"Yeah, much better from yesterday, I can finally move!" He replied patting Zen.

"So what happened yesterday? You've got a lot to answer for us," Merca started.

"Yes, I do. To start with. I'm very sorry I activated the full suit again, that's an apology to all of you and myself. Apparently im not ready for it yet, thats why i black out," Vontaine started.

"There was another Kylamain... I think I'll name him... Kallavont. Just to make it easier," he said.

"Why Kallavont?" Merca asked.

"Well, my name is Vontaine, it begins with "Vont" so I'll end his name with the same so its similar," he explained.

"Makes sence, what dod he look like?" Yida asked.

"He was all black and the parts on my armour that are teal, his were reflecting the universe. Sorry, I was sitting in the middle of space," Vontaine continued.

"Like...? A chair or?" Fritz piped in picking his ear.

"No. I just woke up with my legs crossed sitting on nothing. What I sat on was like water, a perfect reflection of what was overhead," he responded.

"That's pretty cool," Merca smiled.

"Yeah. He said now that I know I'm a Kylamain, finding new techniques should be easier. So I'll get stronger faster now! When I realised that I was Kylamain, my mind felt like it opened up to a part of my subconscious.

Another thing he said confused me. He said I was kylamain and one other thing. Does that mean I have genetics from two different races?" He asked looking at Yida.

"That's always a possibility. Since most alpha species can achieve human form, it's possible for those who can, to copulate,".

"So I'm Kylamain and one other race which I don't know yet but that's OK. I'm Kylamain!" He said excitedly. Thats all I remember from our talk," he finished, slightly out of breath.

"That's all super reassuring, but hang on, you need to explain the Viper switch," Merca stated.

"Oh yeah, Remember when we docked in the repair bay to upgrade the scanner? Well, I did some other modifications too. One of them is the Viper switch. It's a controlled hyperspace, so we can planet jump quickly,".

"Would you mind replicating that for some of our ships when you've recovered?" Yida asked.

"Yeah sure, if you got some coin to spare!" Vontaine replied with a cheeky grin.

"I'm sure I can scrape together some funds," he replied.

After several more days of rest and rejuvenation, Fritz and Vontaine were back on their feet. A tailor who worked for Grem had coincidentally repaired their clothing while they rested.

Vontaine had gotten to work on Yida's request when Merca and Fritz made their way over to him.


"Yo, how you guys doin'?" He grunted as he wrenched open some ship plating.

"Good, we're gonna go shopping, we both need better clothing," Merca started.

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