Chapter 18 - The Kryber heading to Kizeen!

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Their next day they quickly made a start on the new Kryber vessel as Vontaine was extremely happy about the find.

They started by removing any rusty parts of the hull and replacing them with parts they had fabricated and welded on. They had replaced some of the outside plating, and reshaped it making it a sleeker design for better aerodynamics.

After that, they cleaned up the welds and polished the outside, instantly making it look several times better.

Next, they fabricated every part they needed to completely refurbish the mechanical and electrical components of the Kryber. Including a beautiful new cockpit and fresh clean windscreen.

They had collected enough Yidani to rewire the entire circuitry of the Kryber so that signals throughout the giant vessel would happen instantaneously.

For no particular reason Fritz was not knowledgeable on the subject of building ships so he helped by fetching food and drink for them.

The process of upgrading the ship went on for another 3 months. During the last month, Vontaine had modified the engine bay to fit the new engine and installed it.

A priority for him was that his haulier had excellent handling so they had also modified the wings and thruster positions.

It took a long while but eventually, they had done it! The new but old haulier-class Kryber had been completely refurbished and ready for takeoff!

The ship was finally ready but needed an A. I and who better but Malketa?

So with Yida's help, Vontaine made a new device he called, a Jumper module.

This device allowed Malketa's core processing code, to jump from the Alcrist 2, and the Kryber. Meaning that she could pilot either ship whenever necessary.

He installed that last device and Malketa hopped into the new ship body after Vontaine powered up the ignition.

"How's she feel Mal?" He asked as he revved the powerful engine.

"Magnificent! I can move so fast and free in here!" She beeped enthusiastically.

"Give me the stats, it's better than the Alcrist 2 right?" He asked curiously.

"That is only slightly true. The alcrist 2 is a smaller vessel, meaning my code can reach wherever I need as quickly as I want, but I am surprised that with this big of a vessel, my code is even faster! Why is this?" She asked.

"I and Yida discovered a new element, we named it Yidani and what it does is accelerate electrical charges. So you should be able to think a lot quicker in here," he noted happily.

After a moment of the ship shuffling around slightly and some quiet pings and beeps.

"Yes! Yes, I can, wow! This feels amazing! My processing speed has gone from 67% efficiency to 230%!" She hummed gleefully with a synthetic giggle.

"That's good to hear. With this new element, you should be thinking as fast as I am," He chuffed.

"Wow, you think this quickly all the time?" She quizzed happily.

"Yeah... most of the time," he chuckled.

"Thank you Vontaine, I have no words to describe how happy I am. I will come up with one!" She buzzed.

"Saflemptious! This word means I am happier than words can describe!" She buzzed as she filled the ship with her code.

Vontaine burst out laughing for way too long before calming down.

"I'm glad you like it!" He wheezed wiping a tear away from his eye.

After a couple more days of organising the ship, they gave it a paint job.

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