What was wrong with him??

" I am not your girl!! Don't talk to me. Do you know how I felt when I came to know that it was Ron who accompanied me there as you? Would you have liked it if I had done the same with you? And how can you and Ron switch places like that?? It is a crime, I hate you. What if I had kissed him, hugged him, or tried to seduce him, thinking that it was you??" I said.

I said all that to make him see my point.

He came even closer to me, there was no gap between us. Every inch of the front of my body was plastered to him tightly. And my heart started beating like a drum.

" You would have kissed, hugged, or seduced him thinking it was me?? " He asked looking into my eyes. I could not read his expressions.

" Yes, maybe!! " I said.

" Do it now, I assure you, it's me, Raj. Rajveer Kapoor. Your one and only husband. " He said looking at my lips.

" Get lost!!! I am not in a mood. This marriage doesn't matter as it was forced upon you. Let me Pack my bags, I have to leave. " I pushed him again.

" .... " He muttered something but I didn't understand but it felt like a curse.

" Actually, to hell with packing anything, I have everything, I want at my home. Let me just go! " I said getting annoyed.

" I am not letting you go anywhere, and if you still insist, I will go with you," I said.

" No, you said you didn't want to get married to someone who was in love with another man just a few hours ago. " I reminded him.

" Sorry, love... Let's forget everything. As it is you are in love with me. We will make a new start." He said. I loved what he said but I wanted him to persuade me.

" I will make a fresh start, I have a good career. You can file the divorce or annul our marriage. "

" Over my dead body!! What are you saying?? I will not let you start afresh without me involved in it." He said.

" Don't show your fake love or concern. You should have fought for me if you liked me, instead, you let things happen the way they were happening, you should have confronted me, my actions, my feelings. I tried to talk to you, but you blocked me. And now that we are together, you spoilt everything. " I said.

" No, please listen to me. I was jealous as hell. I thought that you loved Manik. That's why I was behaving like that, but now I know that you don't love him. Please forgive me and give me a chance to make everything right. Let me show you how much I want you in my life. Please hit me, slap me if you are angry with me, but don't leave me alone. I will go mad. Ask Ron, why he forced me to marry you because he knows how much, I love you. " He said.

Shit!! Why was my heartbeat increasing?? He said that he loves me.

" You don't!" I said.

" What?? "

" Love me... Or you must have taken efforts to talk to me. I am not staying with you, going to my home early morning. In fact, I will call Viren right now. " I said reaching for my phone. But he took it.

" Then pack my stuff too, I am going to stay with you. " He said as if he was absolutely serious.

" No!! I will not allow you. "

" Hello, I am coming and you will see how your family will be pleased to have their son-in-law staying with them. That's my wife's home, so indirectly my home too, you can't stop me from going there. Oh, and it's Viren's home too. "

" Ughhh!!! Till two days back you were not ready to come to my home and now you are ready to stay there with me? "

" Sorry, love!! Don't go, please. It is between us, give me one chance to win your love and trust again. Please one chance."

" Why?? "

" Because I love you... Give me a chance to bring your sweet Raj back. " He said with so much love.

Awww!! Oh, I love him... I love him so much. He is so sweet.

I wanted to be angry for some more time at least as I was enjoying the way he was treating me but wanted my sweet Raj back at any cost. We deserved that chance.

" Fine, just one chance," I said.

"Thank you... I love you. I swear to return your sweet Raj to you." He said and kissed me again very slowly and sweetly.

My sweet Raj was already back. I was very happy.


Good morning friends 😘

Here is my today's chapter I hope you liked it please let me know.

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Most of my old books are available on n kindle now. Pen name Bobby Gupta

The names of the covers and names of the books are different but the title mean almost the same.

* Bride by chance
* Forced marriage
* The perfect bride
* Fake or real
* Waiting for you
* Binding the playboy
* Opposites attract.
* Love at first site.

The rest of the non exclusive books are on Wattpad. And of course exclusive books will never come on kindle. For reading them you need to go to libri and owo / readom.

Take good care of yourself and have a great day ahead.

Chhavi ❤️😍🥰

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