31. Finding Freen

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Becky POV

[Phone call with Kirk]

"Hello Becky, did Freen contacted you again?"

"No Kirk and please stop calling me to ask about her, she left me and we are over!" I cut the phone and sat on my study table.

Last I met Freen was on the day she got discharged from the hospital, then she went away from home stating that she need space from everyone. She is gone from last 10 days, only John and Saint knows where she is.

She broke my heart by breaking up with me, initially I couldn't understand anything, I cried holding Richie and told him about everything thing. He accepted my relationship with her and he was adamant that she would never do anything that will hurt me.

He tried to call Freen, but her phone became unreachable, so he called Heng. Heng has also lost his touch with Freen and now we don't know where she went. Heng also mentioned that all medical tests of Freen were normal and she is very healthy.


[Doorbell rings]

My parents are not at home, I opened the door and found Heng standing there all stressed up. I know he is here to talk about Freen.

"Please go back if you are here to talk about Freen".

"I am here to talk with Richie about Freen" he said with pleading eyes.

I welcomed him inside my house, then Heng and Richie sat together in living room, they are discussing about Freen but I couldn't hear them because they are talking in whispers. Even though I said I don't want to talk about her, but I want to know what she is upto after turning my life upside down.

"No Heng, don't.." says Richie.

"I will just ask for her permission, she can deny if she want".

"N-No Heng..."

"Becky! Can we talk for 5 minutes?" Heng calls me.

I walk towards them rolling my eyes in frustration "What?".

"Do you want to be involved in Freen's mess?" Richie asks coldly.

"Please Becky, I need all the help that I can get to reach out to Freen" Heng requests me.

"I want to help Freen, and this will be the last thing that I will ever do for her, after this I don't want to have anything with her".

"Please sit and I will explain you" Heng points towards the couch.

"So Freen has been away from last 10 days, the last status we got of Freen was by John that was 10 days back. Now no one is able to reach John, Freen and Saint. The day they all went radio silent was the day Freen took out 1 million dollar from her bank account. We also found the video of Freen withdrawing this much money. We tried to reach out to her if there is any issue but we failed." Heng explains.

I was in shock that why Freen needed this much money?

"Becky we are worried about her, why she took out this much of money and why she is radio silent now, her parents are deadly horrified thinking about her. Her parents has sent hundreds of their men to find her, and most of them are missing now. Her parents are thinking that something bad has already happened to her, otherwise Freen would never do this to her parents."

I feel numb hearing all these "Heng what do you think? She-she is okay right? She has to be okay?".

"Becky apart from her parents, me and Richie were personally working on FINDING FREEN, we contacted all of ours and her friends. And we found one lead!" He said while massaging his temple.

"She is in CHIANG MAI! But all the men that we sent to look for her went missing, but one of my men sent me a photo of her having lunch in a restaurant yesterday, after that he also went missing. Now we are planning to go there by ourselves. Becky would you like to come with us?" Heng asks me hopefully.

I am scared, something felt wrong when she suddenly broke up with me, I have to find out by myself that what she is upto.

"But Heng do you think she will be okay to see me? We are over now!" I felt pain in my heart saying this.

"Becky before becoming her girlfriend you were her friend and we need you to come there as her friend, she might be in some trouble that's why she isn't coming back, we have to help her as her friends".

After thinking for a minute I said yes to go with them. Heng has arranged the flight for us, we are going by Chakimha's private jet and with three of us there are 30 body guards all dressed in normal so that no one suspect us.

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