7. Becky

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Becky Patricia Armstrong

Becky is half Thai and half British in ethnicity, her father is from England and her mother is from Thailand.

Becky have one sibling RICHIE, he is her older brother. Richie and Freen are both of same age.

Becky is a sweet cheerful girl. Freen is her best friend, Becky have several other friends like Nam, Yuki, Nop.

Becky is quite famous in her school, both boys and girls chase to date her, but they are scared of Freen as no one wants to fall in bad books of Freen Sarocha Chakimha.

Becky first met Freen on beach when she was 11 and after sometime they became bestfriends. Both of them share everything with each other.

When Becky was 12, her family had to move to England for 2 years due to her father's work. Initially Becky was very sad to leave Freen, but Freen assured her that no distance can separate them. Actually this long distance really helped them to connect and understand each other more. For those two years there wasn't a day when Becky and Freen didn't wrote e-mails to each other.

Richie is also very close to Freen, both Richie and Freen are like Becky's guardian angels, no harm can come on Becky's way under their protection.

When Becky was 14, they came back to Thailand. Becky joined the same school as Freen's, that was Freen's final year in the school.

Going to same school as Freen's made Becky realise that how popular and powerful Freen is. Everyone loves and respects Freen. Being connected with Freen made Becky one of the most popular juniors, admired by both boys and girls, but no one dare to approach her because they are scared of Freen and more than Freen they are scared of Richie (Becky's over-protective brother).

Becky had her first boyfriend when she was 15 (after Freen and Richie graduated from school). His name was Nop. They dated for almost a year after that they mutually decided to break-up because they didn't felt the spark between them.

Nop was also one of the popular boys in Becky's school, he comes from a reputed family, he is tall and very good looking, he is also very good friends with Freen because their families know each other. One day Nop confessed to Freen that he admires Becky and want to date her if possible. It was Freen who helped Nop to win over Becky and to make them couple, she helped Nop because he is a good person and she also wanted to prevent Becky to get involved with bad people after Freen and Richie graduated.

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