23. Birthday Party - I

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Freen POV

I am no more grounded by my parents and I am back in Bangkok. I knew it that they cannot be angry on me for long time.

Today is Becky's birthday, I am throwing a party for her at my house.

"Mia, how are the preparations going on?"

"Ms Chakimha, everything is going on as planned" Mia smiled at me.

"Where is Saint? I cannot find him, he have to go and pick up Becky!"

"He has already left for Ms Becky's house, he tried to call you but your phone was not reachable".

"Yes Mia, I was feeding Bonbon and I lost my phone after that. Can you send someone to look for my phone?"

"Sure Ms Chakimha!"

I smiled at Mia and left to get ready for the party.


Everyone has arrived and we are just waiting for Becky now. I still haven't found my phone. Mia signals us as she sees Becky arriving.

We turned off all the lights and as Becky enters the party hall we all wished her happy birthday in unison and the lights came back.

I thanked Saint for bringing her here safely on time, I intertwined my hands with Becky and whispered her "You look very beautiful". I brushed my lips on her ears. She tightly held my hands as she was getting shy.

"Attention please! I have a big announcement for everyone" I yelled to grab everyone's attention.

"What is it?" everyone asked with excitement.

I looked at Becky, she gave me a small flying kiss from across the room. I winked at her and everyone started looking at her.

"However, everyone have to wait a little longer for the announcement" I said teasing everyone .

"FREEN!" I can see everyone's frustrated face. Lol.


All of us danced a little waiting for the cake. Me and Becky hugged each other closely while dancing.

I can smell her flowery perfume, this is making me crazy. "I want to stay holding you like this forever" I said to Becky.

"Me too babe!" she said while breathing over my neck.

"My darling!" I said while kissing her head.


The cake is here, I will announce our relationship to the world after the cake cutting.

Becky cuts the cake and everyone wishes happy birthday to her.

I put my hands on her waist and pulled her closer to me, as I was about to announce our relationship, Heng came in the party hall looking for me.

He signals to me that it's very important to talk, I look at Becky and give her a kiss on cheeks mouthing that I will be back soon so please don't sulk.


Becky POV

Out of nowhere Heng arrives at my birthday party and he signalled Freen that he wants to talk about something important.

Freen leaves my side assuring me that she will be back soon.

Everyone took pictures with me and gave me presents.

"Don't be jealous, they are cousins" Nop said to me when he caught me glancing at Heng and Freen again and again.

"I am not jealous" I frowned at him.

Heng seems worried about something, Freen pulls him for a hug to console him. Everyone started staring at them.

"We already know the announcement, Freen is dating her childhood friend Heng!" a guest shouted.

"Awww..." Everyone said in unison. I felt myself burning in anger.

Freen and Heng were so much into their own world that they didn't heard anything. I started moving towards them, to get my Freen.

"How dare you!!" Anong yelled angrily.

Everyone's attention is now at Freen, Heng and Anong.

Anong walks towards them in rage and slaps Freen. Freen in retaliation pushes Anong to hit the floor, Heng steeped in to stop Freen.

"JOHN! Kick this uninvited guest out of my party!" Freen yells.

Anong leaves the place with embarrassment.

"Ms Chakimha, you father wants to talk to you" John informs Freen.

Freen watches me with guilt and leaves the party immediately. Heng follows her.

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