132. My preparations

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Freen POV

I feel embarrassed for stealing this bag, inside the bag it have the ID of the person from whom I stole it.

I asked around about this crew member without mentioning that I stole her bag, a person sent me to check for her in the engine room. I think since I am carrying this crew bag with the ship's logo, the other crew members assumed that I am one of them so they allowed me to be in the engine room and also I don't want to mention this to anyone about how I got this bag. I am very embarrassed about doing something like this because of my intrusive thoughts.

The engine room is empty, I looked on the entire floor but I found no one is here.

This room is very hot, I am sweating. "Where is the owner of this bag!!" I complained about my situation and started walking thumping my legs loudly on the floor. "I should be with Becky, not here getting steamed in this room!".

As I was walking, I fell down on the floor as I broke a tile because of me walking carelessly. "Argh!" Thankfully I was not hurt.

I pulled my leg out of the hole and looked into it to see if there was any more damage other than the broken tile. Turns out below the tiles there are wires and water pipes which runs throughout the ship. And there is a blinking object, which is blinking very fast. Something blinking this fast could mean that it is not working properly.

"Did I break it..." I grabbed that blinking device. It's some kind of timer which is running faster now as I must have damaged it's system when I stepped on it as my leg fell in the hole.

The timer is connected with something black on the floor, I grabbed this thing and it turned out to be a small leather bag.

I pulled out the bag and inside the bag, there was something familiar....

This is a time bomb.

How do I know this? Because after my accidents in Thailand, my family forced me to learn about self defense and how to protect myself in this kind of situations.

The bomb is not big enough to blow up the entire ship, but it is big enough to sink this ship by blowing out a hole in it.

I looked at the blue bag which I was carrying, inside the bag I found a plier and I diffused the bomb.


The circuit was very similar to circuits which I learnt in my defense classes. This bomb is definitely homemade and I think I have seen this kind of black bag....but I don't remember when...this is a branded bag...why someone would do this?

I took the diffused bomb with me. After dismantling it completely, I threw it in the ocean and I passed on an anonymous note to the crew inspector with the message that there are bombs in this ship.

My gut instinct says that this was the only bomb, but it's better to be cautious and I cannot confess about how I found that bomb fearing that everyone will think that I am a crazy psychopath.

I went to Nam's room. After entering the room we heard an announcement. "This is your captain and this is an emergency announcement. We are carrying out some emergency inspections, we request everyone to stay in their rooms and call for the room service if anyone needs anything. This is just an inspection, do not panic. The party is also postponed by an hour. Everyone is requested to stay calm, relaxed and we will see you all tonight in the party!"

The announcement ended and I laid on the bed, playing with Fluffy.


After an hour the captain announced that the inspection is over.

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