88. Dare hide and seek

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Freen POV

Daniel laughed looking at me. "Don't worry.... You will be here in palce of me next time" I whispered to him, giving him a sly smile.

Rebecca is like a cat and you don't wake up a cat if she is asleep over you.

I wrapped my hands over her, to not let her fall.

"That's better" she said as she hugged me tightly. You cannot let go of a cat's grip, it's dangerous!

After half an hour we reached the guest house, I woke up Rebecca "Let's go Becbec! Get up" I said as I rubbed the back of her hand with my thumb.

She flinched her eyes as she woke up. "Where is everyone?" She asked.

"They ran inside the house to look for rooms, we are late, we will be getting the worst room now" I smiled as we stood up.

"Nothing's bad if we are together!" She said and kissed me on the cheeks, surprising me. "Let's go now Freen".

"It was awkward, it's the first time she kissed me on the cheeks. Maybe she's in a good mood because of this trip. This is good, if my plan works then I will match my second couple today!" I thought.


We enjoyed and played few board games. After dinner we decided to play a game I suggested.

"The game is very simple, it's hide and seek but with dares. I will be seeking and everyone else will hide. Every 5 minutes I will give a dare and everyone have to do it. The game ends when I find everyone!" I explained in short.

"Wait! What if you fail to find us?" Jack asked.

"Come on guys, the game ends with me winning and finding everyone. There's no chance that I will lose!" I teased them all.

"Don't be so overconfident Freen!" Irin said.

"Trust me I am confident to win as I have dares for everyone" I winked at Irin.

"Ohh Freen! You are gonna regret being this over confident later!" Tee said.

"Only if you are able to find us within 20 minutes, you win or else the last person not found wins" Rebecca suggested.

"Twenty minutes.... I am okay if everyone agrees to this!" I said to Rebecca's proposition.

"What will the winner get?" Daniel asked.

"Winner get's the room on the top floor with open pool" I proposed.

"AGREED!" Everyone said in unison.

"Now I will count till 100 and you all can hide anywhere in the guest house, if anyone leaves the house they will get disqualified" I said.

"THAT'S A NEW RULE!! IT'S NOT FAIR" all of them protested.

"It's the first dare!" I said as I sat on the couch.

"I am starting to count now, so run if you don't want to get caught by me!" I said and closed my eyes.

I heard everyone running around and when I was at 100, the house is filled with silence as if I am alone here.

"READY OR NOT, HERE I COME!" I announced.

I didn't left the couch for another 2-3 minutes, to tease them in the anticipation that I can come at any time.

After 5 minutes I switched off the power of the entire guest house and announced second dare "THIS IS NOW HIDE AND SEEK IN DARK! NO LIGHTS UNTIL I FIND EVERYONE! AND IF ANYONE IS SCARED THEN THEY CAN COME TO ME!" I laughed loudly like a psycho antagonist in a movie. I am enjoying making them all scared and teasing them.

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