51. My love came back to me

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Becky POV

The anticipation reached its peak as we stood at the entrance of the Chakimha mansion, awaiting the arrival of the Chakimha family. The entire staff, including myself, gathered together, eager to welcome them back after their week-long absence.

Suddenly, the distant sound of car engines grew louder, and our eyes were drawn to three sleek cars making their way towards us, soon the vehicles came to a halt, each one parking with precision at the designated area.

As the car doors opened, my heart skipped a beat. The Chakimhas emerged, looking regal and composed. Mr and Mrs Chakimha were in the first car.

Freen stepped from the second car. It felt like an eternity since I had last seen Freen, and a mix of emotions flooded through me — relief, longing, and a touch of anxiety.

We exchanged a brief smile, acknowledging the unspoken connection that had endured throughout our time apart. I hoped that this reunion would provide an opportunity for us to finally address the complexities of our relationship and find a way forward.

As Preed stepped out of the third car, a sense of tension seemed to fill the air. There was an undeniable change in his demeanor, and it was evident that something had shifted between him and Freen. 

Freen's smile, filled with warmth and familiarity, went unnoticed by Preed, adding to the growing intrigue surrounding their relationship.

Freen immediately went to her room, followed by Nam. I want to talk to her but all I could do was wait for the right moment, the appropriate opportunity to engage in conversation with Freen.


The day passed by in a whirlwind of activity, and I found myself unable to find a private moment to speak with Freen.

I decided to talk with Freen after she is done with dinner. I was going to talk with her, but Preed approached me.

"Did you miss me love?" he asked with a shy smile.

I appreciated his attention and the effort he put into courting me, but my heart still belonged to Freen. Before I could respond, Preed's attention shifted abruptly to Freen, diverting the conversation in a different direction.

"Freen! Perfect, you're here!" Preed exclaimed, his tone filled with a hint of mischief. "I was actually coming to talk to you. Can you assign Becca to me?"

Freen was taken aback by this request, but she hesitantly replied to Preed "Sure, if Becca wants to change, then I will assign her to you". I can feel the nervousness and uneasiness in her aura. Both of them looked at me, but I was frozen by Freen's death stare.

She looked at me "Becca, I was hoping to talk to you, but I see that you are already occupied. I am going to sleep then, we....we will talk tomorrow. Goodnight!".

As Freen's words sank in, I realised the weight of the misunderstanding that had unfolded before me. I saw the hesitance in her response and the unmistakable signs of jealousy in her eyes. It was clear that my lack of immediate response had fueled her doubts and insecurities.

Feeling a surge of urgency, I called out to Freen, my voice filled with determination. "Stop, Freen! Please, give me a moment. It's important that we talk."

She paused, looking back at me with a mix of hope and apprehension. Her desire for clarity was evident, and I knew I had to seize this opportunity to address the misconceptions that had caused this rift between us.

Stepping closer to Freen, I took a deep breath to gather my thoughts. "Freen, I want to assure you that there is nothing between Preed and me beyond friendship." Freen's gaze softened as she listened to my words, her apprehension slowly dissipating.

Turning my attention to Preed, I spoke directly to him with sincerity and gratitude. "Preed, I appreciate your feelings towards me, but I want to be clear that I see you only as a friend. I value our connection and I want to continue working for Freen."

Preed's expression shifted from surprise to disappointment, realizing that his romantic pursuit would not be reciprocated. Without uttering a word, he silently left, perhaps needing time to process the situation.

As the silence settled, I focused my attention back on Freen. 

"Freen...", before I could complete my sentence, she pulled me with herself.

As Freen pulled me into my room and closed the door behind us, a surge of anticipation and excitement coursed through me. Her touch on my cheeks was gentle yet filled with intensity, and her gaze locked onto mine with a mixture of admiration and longing.

In that moment, the unspoken connection between us seemed to intensify. It was as if Freen was seeking my consent, silently asking for permission to bridge the gap between us and share a meaningful kiss.

I felt my heart race, emotions swirling within me. The air in the room seemed charged with an unspoken desire, and I found myself leaning closer to Freen, closing the gap between us. Our lips met in a tender, passionate kiss, conveying a depth of emotions that words alone could not express. 

In that single, electrifying moment, the uncertainties and misunderstandings faded into insignificance. The world outside ceased to exist as we immersed ourselves in the connection we had both longed for.

As our lips parted, we remained locked in a lingering embrace, the weight of unspoken conversations and unanswered questions lifted from our shoulders. It was a silent understanding, a mutual agreement to embrace the love and affection we had for each other.

Throughout the night, Freen and I found comfort in each other's embrace. We lay intertwined, sharing whispers of our deepest feelings and discussing our plans to navigate the challenges that lay ahead.

With a renewed sense of clarity and determination, we knew that we were not alone in this journey. We had each other, and together we would overcome any challenges that stood in our way.

"I will save you this time!" Freen said with confidence.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I listened to the sincerity and selflessness in her words.

"Promise me babe, that if the time comes when I am gone from this timeline, you will meet me again! It doesn't matter if you introduce yourself as to me as my cool aunt. You will live a happy and fulfilling life and please find love again!" I said while holding her hands.

She just nodded agreeing to me. A mixture of emotions filled the room, a bittersweet combination of love, sadness, and hope. We held each other tightly, cherishing the present moment while acknowledging the uncertain future that awaited us.

We slept holding each other.

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