32. Ex-boyfriend

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Becky POV

We are in Chiang Mai, Heng sent out 5 of his men to scan the city for Freen, one of the man located Freen near a private party club, then he went missing.

"Becky if you don't feel safe then you can stay here. Me and Richie can go to look for Freen."

"No Heng I came here to help you, so let's go together".

Heng nods yes, and all of us with remaining bodyguards went to Freen's last location.

It's 9pm here, there is a private club party going on inside the club. We tried to enter the club but we got stopped by the bouncers. Heng offered them money, but they declined it and told us to go back.

Heng sent his men to kidnap and replace those bouncers, now our own men are acting as the club bouncers, we were able to get inside the club.

The club has two sections, one is VIP section which covers first floor, then there is VVIP section which covers the ground floor and second floor of the club.

All of the Heng's men spread out inside the club behaving as guests, we are also looking for Freen with the guards.

"Heng! Heng! That's Freen" Richie exclaims in excitement.

We saw Freen in a black bodycon dress, sitting alone on a couch on the ground floor, drinking orange juice.

"That stupid girl is just chilling here drinking orange juice in a club!! She deserves a good scolding" Heng says in frustration.

Then we saw a tall man in white shirt approaching Freen and grabs the orange juice from her hands, Freen makes an irritated face and starts jumping to get her glass back, but the man is very tall. The man starts running with her glass and Freen follows him, they seem to be enjoying playing with each other.

Witnessing this is boiling my blood... Who is this man? And why Freen is so friendly with him?

"It's Ethan! But how?" I heard Heng speaking to himself.

"Do you know him?" Richie asks Heng.

"Yes, a little".

"So?? Who is he?" I ask Heng.

He pauses for a minute before speaking. "He is Freen's ex-boyfriend..".

"WHAT!!!!!" Both me and Richie are shocked by this news.

How? Why Freen never told me about this? I was her best-friend! Or was she always playing with me from the beginning?

"Becky, don't misunderstand her that she never told you about him, they were a thing for only 2 months when we went out on summer vacation. Freen didn't told you about him because he doesn't matter" Heng tries to explain.

"You are still taking her side, you are really a true friend of hers. So I was also an unimportant THING in her life since we were in relationship for only 4 months! Why did she toyed with me like this?"

"Becky please... She told me that she love you, she took risks for you, she always protected you from all harm. Her love for you is different than what was Ethan."

I can't take anymore explanations, I don't want to think about our relationship since it's already done and over.

"Now we found her, then let's confront her" Freen puts her glass on the bar counter and now she is dancing with Ethan. I want to throw something on Ethan's head so that he will get away from Freen, the jealousy is consuming me from within.

Heng sends 2 of his men on the ground floor VVIP area to pass his message to Freen but they disappeared. We found out that Ethan's men are taking away our people who are trying to approach Freen.

There is something definitely wrong with him, Heng and Richie forms a plan to spike Ethan's drink.

Freen and Ethan went back to the bar after dancing, they are giggling about something, Freen asks the bar tender for the same drink as Ethan's. We are just waiting for Ethan to sip in his drink and get away from Freen but then something unexpected happens, Freen mistakenly starts drinking Ethan's spiked drink.

After drinking half a glass it seems that drugs have started acting on her, she giggling uncontrollably and she threw her remaining drink on Ethan's face as a joke. I laughed watching Ethan's face, he deserves it.

All three of us gasped in shock, his shirt is now drenched with the drink, but he just laughs off with Freen. We observe that he is going on second floor to change his clothes leaving Freen behind in the bar.

"Richie you go and take Freen out, we will go and find out what's Ethan is upto".

Richie went down to get Freen. Me and Heng went to a private office-room which is Ethan's room as per our information.

We hid under the table waiting for Ethan. Heng got a text message from Richie "Freen is also coming with Ethan!!".


3rd Person POV

"So tell me what you were saying before" Ethan says while entering the room.

"Did you spiked my drink? Why my head is spinning?" Freen says while laughing and getting inside the room.

Ethan closes the door behind her "I think some people have entered here and they did this. Don't worry my men will catch them and handle them all" he says giggling.

Freen comes and sits on the office chair in front of the desk under which Becky and Heng are hiding. They can see Freen's face from their position, but Freen is soo drugged that she in not in any state to scan her surroundings.

Becky feels pain in her heart after seeing Freen so close to her, Heng signals Becky to stay quiet.

"What do you mean by handling them?" Freen asks with curious look.

"Ofcourse killing them all!" Ethan gives a devilish laugh and Freen also laughs with him.

Heng and Becky are horrified to hear this, they can't believe that Freen is laughing about killing people.

"Whatever!! I wanted to tell you that tomorrow I am going back to Bangkok with Saint."

"Why so early? Let's have more fun here!" Ethan says by passing a bottle of rum to Freen.

Freen threw that bottle away shattering it and she starts laughing like a kid "Ha ha ha... I miss Bonbon I will take him with me this time" she says still laughing and playing on the rotating office chair.

"Ms Freen that was a costly rum and you also messed up my office, I think I have a bad influence on you, you parents were right to tell you to break up with me" Both started laughing.

"Actually... I broke up with you because you were boring, my parents don't knew about you, only Heng knows" she said while teasing Ethan.

"You Freen Chakimha!" He says while leaning over Freen with his unbuttoned shirt.

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