122. Christmas Eve morning, 2001

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In the winter break....

Third person POV

Today is again one of the bad days for Freen. She is having nausea and have a bad feeling about something. She woke up today with a nightmare, this was as bad as her last one which she had on the day of fresher's party.

Freen is with Rebecca and her other friends. They have planned this trip to beach on Christmas. After reaching on the beach villas they found out that there are other familiar people here as well. Freen spotted few people from her college and because of Rebecca's constant show off about Christmas on beach, few of her colleagues also decided to come here. Few people from Irin's, Jack's and Chloe's department are also here.

Rebecca knew that Freen was sulking because of Terry being here, but Freen didn't complained because it's not Rebecca's fault that Terry is here. Instead Freen complained about why didn't she booked the entire villa resort for themselves.

To cheer Freen up, Rebecca has been flirting with Freen all day yesterday. Rebecca understands that her way of flirting brings a different kind of smile on Freen's face, the smile that one gets when they laugh holding their stomach until they are out of breath on a joke, it's not a romantic smile. Rebecca knows this and she has accepted this. In their relationship Rebecca knows that Freen is the romantic one, also Freen was the more romantic and cheesy one in all the other timelines. If Rebecca was the romantic one, then she would have been able to make Freen her girlfriend by now! It's almost 3 months now of them meeting but Freen is still not ready to be Rebecca's girlfriend.

Today Rebecca woke up early in the morning because of Freen's nightmare. Freen was shaking and sweating badly. Rebecca worriedly woke up Freen, but Freen was in such a deep nightmare that she never heard Rebecca's cries for her to wake up.

Things like this scares Rebecca because of everything she has faced in her past.

"Freen please get up!" Rebecca says still crying, but Freen was unresponsive.

Rebecca wipes her tears, she is half naked but that's not one of her concerns now as she is ready to go out to bring help for Freen.

"Get up...." Freen hears a calming whisper and she woke up. She saw Rebecca crying and unlocking the door. Freen gets up and holds her to calm her down. "Freennnnn!" Rebecca hugs Freen as she cries.

"Where were you going half-naked like this?" Freen notices that Rebecca is only wearing a shirt halfway, with nothing buttoned and she is naked inside the shirt.

"You scared me Freen! You had a nightmare?" Rebecca wipes sweat from Freen's body.

"I am sorry for that PRebecca, but don't worry I am alright now. I just had a bad dream and now I don't even remember what I saw in the dream." Freen kisses Rebecca on cheeks.

"Umm....but one thing. No matter what happens you are not allowed to run out naked like this. You can be naked only in front of me and....ahemm.... I will appreciate it if you give me permission to see you fully naked now" Freen scolds Rebecca and tries her luck by flirting with Rebecca.

"Be my girlfriend!" Rebecca kisses Freen on the nose, Freen hugs Rebecca as she still doesn't have a clear answer yet.

The reason behind Freen's hesitation is she lost her twin brother last year. It was an attempt for an assassination on her but her brother mistakenly got caught in that. After that incident, Freen thinks that she can't be happy because her brother was supposed to live the life she is living now and she was supposed to die and be forgotten. Freen is broken, but she doesn't reflects this on surface in anyway.

Freen loved her brother very dearly, she was under psychiatric treatments as it was very difficult for her to accept the fact that Preed was dead. The Freen who is here now is a repaired version of who she was before.

Freen's stomach growls "NFreen is hungry?" Rebecca asks breaking the hug, Freen nods yes. "Let's change clothes and then we will go for breakfast?".

"I want to bath first" Freen insists. "Go fast then" Rebecca pushes Freen inside the bathroom. "Join me in PRebecca, I will keep my eyes closed as usual" Freen tries to lure Rebecca in but Rebecca shuts the bathroom door without replying.

Alone in the bathroom, Freen tries to recollect her nightmare, but as usual she does not remember it at all.

Freen starts the shower, the bathroom is filled with steam because of hot water. Freen closes her eyes, prepping herself to behave normal as she does not want to bring down Rebecca's mood because of her nightmare problem.

Rebecca silently enters the bathroom, with a scarf. She ties the scarf on Freen's eyes when they were closed. For a moment Freen loses her balance but Rebecca catches her "I considered your invite and.... this will help in saving water" Rebecca says to Freen.

"But this resort have their own water supply because of the ocean water. This is a renewable source PRebecca" Freen laughs mentally on Rebecca's failed attempt to start romance.

"PRebecca.." Rebecca cuts off Freen with a kiss. They bathed after romancing like two desperate lovers.

Rebecca's presence helps Freen to take off her mind from the bad morning.

After bathing, they went out for breakfast. Many people are awake walking on the beach. Freen is looking around as if she was searching for something or someone.

"Let's go. Why did you stopped?" Rebecca asks Freen. "Umm, I heard a bark but there is no dog nearby" Freen is still looking for the source of that bark.

"Let's go NFreen or else it will become crowded in the breakfast lounge" Rebecca pulls Freen with her. Freen again heard a bark but this time she does not turns because now her focus is all on and all for Rebecca.


The dog barks is just Freen remembering her nightmare from the morning.

Our ONLY FRIENDS couple did the breakfast together like a lovey-dovey couple.

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