99. Stop running away

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Rebecca POV

I am at the breakfast table with Tee, Jack and Chloe. Freen and Daniel are missing from the morning.

"Guys where is Freen?" I asked in frustration.

"That's not important now. Focus on yourself, our BIRTHDAY GURLLL!" Chloe replied.

"Arghhh.... It's getting annoying now, I am losing my temper. If you don't want me to lose my temper tell me where is she?"

"She will be here soon, stop being possesive" Tee replies from the other side of the table.

Who the hell this Tee thinks she is! I am not possesive and where did Freen went after waking up!

"I am back! Did someone missed me?"

"ME! ME!" Tee stood up and grabbed the bags from Irin.

"WHERE IS FREEN?" I am at my limit now. I cannot handle their absurd answers anymore.

"Becbec! Why are you angry now? Today is your day, calm down and be happy." Irin replies while putting down the shopping bags.

"She is with Daniel, they should have reached before me.... but let's wait they will be here anytime soon." Irin joins us on the breakfast table.

"What is she doing with Daniel?" I asked in frustration.

"We prepared colour coordinated outfits for today, but we forget those at Daniel's home. So we went there to get all these" Irin points towards the shopping bags that she brought with in her.

"Daniel suggested to bring one more car, so he and Freen are driving back here in his car, while I came back in your car with Mr Paul" Irin explains.

I trust Freen, but I don't like this feeling of being separated from her, I also don't like her being alone with that Daniel! I have seen him glancing at Freen in the same way I look at her, I don't trust him.

I stood up from my chair to leave for my room, I can no longer pretend to be okay when I am clearly not okay. Freen has been now avoiding me completely for 3 days and I hate her closeness with Daniel.

"Becbec! Wait! Stop overreacting! They will be here in sometime" Irin stops me.

"Yes Rebecca, cool yourself down!" Tee stood beside Irin.

"I will cool down once Freen is here! Let me go!" I demanded.

"What's wrong Rebecca?" Chloe pulls me towards herself.

"Don't!" I flinched her hand lightly and walked away to my room.

I came back to my room. As soon as I locked my door, tears started falling down, I cannot hold it back anymore. Why is she behaving cold towards me?


Few minutes later....

"Rebecca.... please open the door...." I heard Freen's voice, but I am too angry with her.

"Becbec.... everyone's getting worried here. Please open the door...." Freen said.

"Becbec let us in" Irin said.

"Come out please.... look what Freen and Daniel bought for you! They were late because they were buying your favourite milk tea" Chloe said.


I heard keys turning and Freen came inside and locked back the door after entering.

"Rebecca! Why are you crying?!" Freen hugged me, but I pushed her away.

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