96. Suspicions

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Freen POV

Rebecca's birthday is in two days, I am very excited to make us official in front of everyone. But Rebecca's is acting really very strange from few days. I don't know what's bothering her, but I can feel that she is hiding something from me as she has completely ignored me these days.

She has been acting nervous around me and in the college she tries to avoid me as much as possible. In house, we have been sleeping in the same room, but we barely talk about anything when we are alone. Could it be that she is unsure about us as a couple?.... Ahhh.... I think that I am overthinking here.

I talked about her with Chloe and James, thinking that it's something related to studies that is bothering her, but they denied, instead they confirmed that she is acting as her normal self with them.

"If not studies then is it our relationship that's bothering you Bec?" I thought and went downstairs to bring some water as there is no water in the room. I left Rebecca sleeping in the room.

I came back to the room after refilling the water jug. Rebecca is moving a little, I think I disturbed her sleep.

"I just went to get this water, sorry for the disturbance" I apologized.

"Freen...." She said.

"Yes, Babe" I replied.

"I.... Why don't you sleep in your room from today onwards?.... You see, I always get awake by your movements.... Because of this I am half asleep during the day. Let's sleep in our own rooms from today." She said.

"I.... Okay.... Good night babe...." I somehow managed to utter these words without sounding heart-broken and I left her room.

I came back to my room and locked the door immediately. It feels like my world is sinking in a deep hole, who am I without her? I might have a family who is not at all searching for me, right now, right here, the only person I have or I had is Rebecca, but she is not same as before.

"She doesn't want to be near me in or outside the house. I feel grossed out by myself" I muttered as I silently cried my heart out.

"Why made your change of heart? Rebecca?! Or Is it that you never want us to go public?"

"Am I wrong and shameless in loving her and disclosing our love to everyone?" I asked myself.

I slept while crying silently and weird questions kept popping up in my mind. I hate everything, no one loves me. Even my real family isn't looking for me. I don't have anyone except Becca to whom I can share everything, but it feels like she is backing off, she must be tired of me, tired of us!


Rebecca POV

These days I have been torn and stressed out on whether I should contact this Freen Sarocha Chakimha about the watch or not. Everytime I see my Freen, I feel like an evil person who is hiding her from her true self, from her true family.

This pain is unbearable, I don't know how long can I hide this from my Freen. I just need some more time to do the right thing and to understand what is that right thing in this situation.

I am not an evil person, but there is nothing wrong in being selfish. Freen is happy here with me, she needs no one else. Even if I send this watch and Freen to Thailand to her real family, how can I be sure that they will trust me that my Freen is their child, what if they don't treat her good?

If Freen goes to Thailand, she will be alone there as I cannot leave everything and go with her now.... not until my studies is over.

I don't know what to do, how to face Freen. What if Freen asks me whether I am able to find her family, I cannot lie to her after knowing that her family contacted me by themselves without even knowing that I have their Freen!

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