72. Can I trust you?

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"She is weird!" Freen whispered to herself hearing Rebecca stomping in anger on the floor above her.

"Will this ceiling fall, if she continues her angry bird dance like this? Ah.... I think I should move to a different room" Freen said to herself and got up from the couch in the main hall and went inside the kitchen to see what Rebecca has bought for them to eat.

"Rice, flour, bread, noddles, vegetables and water. That's it? I want to eat something sweet...."

"Becky! Can we bring something sweet like chocolate, cake or icecream? No.... Actually let's go and eat outside for today!" Freen said loudly, but she didn't got any response.

"TEERAK ARE YOU THERE?" Freen called out for Rebecca, but there was no response from her

"I am the one who is injured, why do I have to pamper her?" Freen muttered as she went upstairs to see what's wrong with her hyper girlfriend as she is weirdly silent now.

"Rebecca Armstrong!" She announced as she entered the room. Rebecca was writing something on the paper, but as she heard Freen, she crumbled the paper and hided it in her pocket.

"I won't see it if you don't want me to see it" Freen said as she noticed Rebecca hiding something.

"It's not like that Freen" Rebecca replied.

"I am hungry, let's go out and have food?"

"Freen, you just got discharged from hospital today. So no oily food for you!"

"Are you trying to control me?" Freen said coldly, staring at Rebecca.

Rebecca immediately nodded her head to say no, but Freen held her chin to stop her from moving. "It's okay, you can control me but stop acting weird and.... Start acting like my girlfriend.... It's an ORDER!".

"But I am really not your girlfriend!"

Freen immediately kissed Rebecca on mouth claiming her "You are.... I know you are.... My silly girlfriend". Freen kissed Rebecca one last time and pulled Rebecca with her to eat together as she is hungry and she definitely don't know how to cook.

"I am not running away Freen, you can leave my hand" Rebecca said.

Freen turned and looked at Rebecca "Can I trust you?" She asked. "Can I trust you not to leave me? Your actions says otherwise Rebecca Armstrong." She said as she sweetly tucked Rebecca's hair behind her ear.

Freen stared at Rebecca, waiting for an answer. "Don't break my heart Teerak" Freen said as she gently rubbed her thumb on Rebecca's palm, pulling Rebecca back to reality.

"I care about your broken mind more than about your heart Freen. Let's go, I will cook some food for you and then tomorrow morning we will go back to the town to get your brain checked. I don't want you to live in this fake reality Freen. I am not your girlfriend!" Rebecca said as she removed Freen's hand from her hand and walked into the kitchen. She knows that her words are hurting Freen, but she will not take advantage of Freen's mental state. She wished if she would have met Freen before Freen met her Becky. Unconsciously Rebecca is jealous of Becky, but she hasn't realised it yet.

Rebecca started preparing food for them, she just took a glance of Freen when Freen went into the main hall. Freen isn't talking to Rebecca now, which made Rebecca believe that Freen is trying to accept the reality, but this also made her sad as she has started liking Freen's attention for her.

Rebecca spent an hour to make food for them. After the food was ready she called out for Freen to come and eat together, but she didn't got any reply. She left the kitchen to look for Freen but Freen is nowhere in the main hall. This made Rebecca stressed and scared. She looked into every corner of the summer house thinking that Freen might have felt unconscious because of her headache, but Freen is not inside anywhere in the house. "Freen! Please come out!" Rebecca screamed loudly wishing to hear Freen's voice, but to her regret only silence answered her. "Teerak, please come out. I am sorry." Rebecca screamed as tears started flowing through her eyes.

Rebecca stormed outside of the house to look for Freen. She started looking for Freen in the woods near her summer house. "Freen!..... Baby!..... Teerak!.... Please come back to me!" She screamed continuously, but no one answered.

"I am sorry baby.... I am your Becky please come out?! Come back to me!" She called out loudly in the middle of the woods. Suddenly she heard someone reaching towards her. She looked closely and this was Freen. Rebecca sprinted towards her and hugged her tightly "I am sorry Teerak, please forgive me. I will never shout at you. I am you Becky and I forbid you from ever leaving me alone like this!" Freen patted Rebecca to calm her down.

"Don't stress yourself out Rebecca because of me. Everything was my mistake." Freen said. Rebecca held Freen's waist, and kissed Freen on the lips. Even though it's wrong, but being separated from Freen for sometime made Rebecca realise that she has fallen badly for Freen. She don't care if Freen has any girlfriend or boyfriend because right now at this moment Freen have her. She looked at Freen waiting for her to reciprocate her feelings but to her surprise Freen just patted her head and started looking away. "Let's go back to your summer house" Freen said.

They both started walking in the woods, Freen is keeping some distance from Rebecca. Rebecca wants to hold Freen's hand to reconcile with her, but to her surprise Freen flinched her hand as their hands touched.

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