75. Slipping away

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Freen's head started spinning after hearing the gun shot. The sound came from the woods, it's usual for that time for people to play hunting in woods. Rebecca noticed that Freen is not able to stand up properly, if Rebecca wasn't holding Freen in her arms then Freen would have collapsed on the ground.

"You are not well Freen. I know you hate me now, but please let's get back inside the car, I will take you to wherever you want to go" Rebecca request Freen.

Freen felt like her entire body is being pricked as if millions of needles are poking her at the same time. She looked at her hand which is appearing and reappearing like her body is blinking. Her hand, her entire body seems like fading away like if she doesn't even exist. The only thing that is keeping her here is Rebecca's embrace. She looked at Rebecca who is crying with her eyes closed, not realising that what's happening.

"Bec.... Rebecca.... It's paining" Freen said in pain making Rebecca open her eyes. Rebecca is shocked to witness what's happening, she is unable to believe her eyes. How can a human body appear and disappear at the same time like this! "FREEN!" Rebecca screamed. "Let's go to hospital! NOW!" Rebecca supported Freen to go back inside the car and then she started driving the car with full speed towards the hospital.

"Don't sleep, try to stay concious. You will be alright! I won't let anything happen to you Freen! I will protect you!" Rebecca said to Freen.

Freen looked at Rebecca and more of her memories started coming back, now she remembers how a man shot at her and Becky. She remembers being shot at twice, once in a garden and once in a room. The memories are coming back, making Freen relive trough the same mental and physical pain again. Rebecca held Freen's right hand tightly while driving, now Freen's left hand is half disappeared, Freen's body is becoming more translucent.

"I am disappearing into nothing." Freen said smiling in pain looking at her left hand. "Am I already dead?" Freen said looking at her reflection in the window glass.

"Stop saying it Freen! You are not dead!" Rebecca yelled at Freen.

"Was I always dead?" Freen said looking at Rebecca, but Rebecca is in too much confusion and stress to answer anything. "Turn around, let's go back home" Freen said to Rebecca.

"I am not giving up Freen, you are not dead! See this, we are holding hands, would this be possible if you were dead!!?" Rebecca screamed while crying and gripping Freen's hand more tightly.

"Turn around Rebecca, let's go home" Freen said again. Rebecca stopped the car in middle of the road. "How can you say this Freen? Fight for yourself, fight for Becky, your love, fight for me please!!" Rebecca said while sobbing.

"I am already dead Rebecca, now I remember I was shot in the chest and I died in my own garden" Freen laid her head on Rebecca. "I am disappearing because I am not alive Rebecca. I was dead way before I came in front of your car. I don't know how I came here or from where I came here, but I can feel it that I am not from here. Let's go home Rebecca, please...." Freen closed her eyes and collapsed over Rebecca.

"I will take you home Babe if that's what you want." Rebecca put Freen back on the passenger seat and turned her car to go back home. All the way to home, Freen's body became more translucent as if she will completely disappear at any passing second.

After reaching home Rebecca picked Freen up in her arms, she remembered that Freen likes the master bedroom more, so she took Freen there and laid her on the bed. Freen is still unconscious but her body is still there. Rebecca hugged Freen tightly as if it will stop Freen from slipping away to wherever she is going now.

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