119. You are special

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Rebecca POV

I woke up very early because of sunlight hitting my eyes. I tried to get up, but I am entangled with someone's arms and legs. I looked down to see this lovely human's face, my little Freen.


I love both nong Freen and phi Freen. But I must admit that NFreen is cuter than PFreen. I combed her hair with my fingers, this made her awake and she gave me an annoyed look.

Whether it's PFreen or NFreen, both are light sleepers. "What?" I asked.

"We will talk later, I want to sleep now!" She said and turned away, making me fall down from the couch.

"Ahh!" I groaned in pain. "You deserve this PRebecca...." She said before covering herself in the blanket.


I shivered because of the cold breeze. I jumped back on the sofa inside Freen's blanket, spooning her from the back. Freen groaned in frustration before adjusting my arm to use my arm as her hand pillow.

I kissed her on the head and we slept again.


Freen shakes me to wake up. "PRebecca, everyone is awake" she said as she tried to get off the couch by climbing over me.

"What....what are you doing. Ouch!" I groaned in pain as she dragged me because of her body weight, making both of us fall from the couch.

"Whoa.... PRebecca, you are so cool!" She said as she sat on me.

"Why?" I asked.

"You saved me from falling. You are amazing." She said and stood up.

"I wasn't trying to save anyone, you dragged me and made me fall with you" I whispered.

"What?" Freen asks.

"Nothing." I replied. Freen gave me her hand to stand. I gladly accepted it.


I tried to act cool around her and tried not to show my pain. She fixed my clothes after I stood up. "You are very cool and sexy" she whispered playfully to me. I thanked Irin mentally for dressing me up well.

"And you are very naughty" I said and moved her hands away.

"Whatever...." She said and walked inside the yacht.

"NFreen is so childish!" I said to myself and followed her. She gave me a black jacket to wear. I rejected it.

"PRebecca is so childish!" She said and made me wear the jacket. "This is mine, take care of it" she said about the jacket and zipped me up.

"There you are!" Irin said.

"What you two were doing here huh?" Chloe gave us a teasing smile.

"Nothing! Rebecca was feeling cold, so I gave her this jacket" Freen said moving away from me.

"So I am Rebecca in front of everyone?" I asked to Freen.

"Huh?!" Freen gave an innocent expression as she doesn't understand what I am saying.

"My head hurts...." Tee says as she enters the main room.

"Let's go back to the shore now, we need a good breakfast. Treat is on me!" Freen said and went upstairs.

"Where are you going?" I asked following her.

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