106. My Home

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Freen POV

I drove us back to our hotel, Becca is busy ordering food, while I am checking my documents for the presentation for Chankimhas tomorrow.

I am not able to concentrate on work as I cannot help myself from thinking about what happened today on the beach.

"Something's wrong...." I whispered to myself as I put away my files.

Today when Becca found me near the car.... I don't know how to explain this.... But.... The Becca who found me.... Was different from the Becca with whom I was sitting on the beach.

Few hours before.....

"Hurry up, we can still see the sunset..." Becca grabs my hand and we ran back to the beach. She took us to the same spot where we were sitting before.

"I thought we will miss the sunset! It's beautiful!" Becca exclaims.

"You already said this before" I fed her snacks.

"Being with you makes everything beautiful. I love you"

"I love you too" I kiss her on head.

"It will be dark soon, we should go now or we might loose our way back to hotel" I rested my head on her shoulder.

"That's fine, we cannot get lost if we are together. Home is where you are" Becca pulls me in a hug.

"Stop giving me butterflies, I get shy"

We stayed like this, flirting with each other.

"Why aren't you eating?" Becca offered me candies. It's dark now.

"I am already full with all the candies that you fed me before."

"Before when?"

"Before when we were." We got interrupted by guards. "You two should leave now. This time is not safe for tourists"

We nodded to the guard and stood up to leave.

As we were on our way to the car, the perfume vendor caught us "Ma'am! This is a complimentary gift for your purchase, I forgot to gave this to you before"

"Thank you but I don't want anything" I moved away from the vendor.

"Freen! The perfume was costly, we should not leave this complimentary gift" Becca whispered to me and took the parcel from the vendor.

"What are you doing? This can be anything!" I said as we moved away from the vendor.

"It's just another perfume bottle" Becca took out a perfume bottle from the package.

She sprays some on me "Ahhh! Why!"

Becca snuffs the perfume from over me "This have floral scent, it suits you babe. I like this one" Becca puts back the perfume inside the gift box.

"Am I just a test subject!" I mutterd.

"Stop sulking! You were the one who bought that overpriced perfume, I am just trying to get back some money by accepting this gift box" Becca gets into the car.

"When did I bought the perfume?" I whispered to myself. As I was about to get inside the car to drive, I saw two people laughing and holding hands under a lamp post. I just stood there for a few minutes as I cannot believe my eyes.

"Why do they look like us? Even the clothes!"

"What?" Becca opens the driver's door.

"I.... Why...."

"Why what Freen? Get inside the car, we should go now" Becca said.

Startled by everything, I just did as Becca asked. I sat inside the car and drove us back to the hotel. I cannot process anything that happened.

"How did you bought the snacks so fast? The line was very long." I asked.

"Me? You bought all those snacks while I waited for you for almost 20 minutes alone!" Becca replies.

"I liked that kiss on the beach"

"What kiss on the beach?" Becca said as she was focused on turning on the car radio.


I don't know how it is possible to find two other people who look so much like us, we were wearing similar clothes and that other woman was talking just like my Becca. How is that possible? And most importantly.... I mistakenly kissed someone else today not realising that she was not Becca but a stranger. Did I cheated today?

I am torn, I don't know what to say or what to feel about what happened today.

I am feeling guilty as I mistook someone else as Becca, but I am jealous also as how can Becca mistook someone else as me.

"I love you!" Becca kissed me on the forehead. "I love the way when you are so deep in thoughts about your work. I just want to stare lovingly at my girlfriend when she is so seriously thinking about something." Becca laid on the bed, facing me.

"And there you are distracting me!" I stood up and slept beside her.

"I love you" I said with tears of guilt in my eyes.

"I love you too!" Becca pulls me in her embrace. "Why these tears?"

"I.... I don't know" I said as I closed my eyes and in a few minutes I fell asleep.

Rebecca POV

"Are you asleep?" I asked but no one replied.

I tried to look at her, but I am afraid that I will wake her up. She seemed tired as she was working on her documents. She have a big day tomorrow that's why she has been acting a bit differently after coming from the beach. I know that everything will go well tomorrow, I want the world to know how amazing my girlfriend is.

I called the reception to cancel the food order and I slept holding her peacefully.


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