47. Jealous and regrets

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Freen POV

"Someone looks very handsome and happy!" I complimented Preed.

"I am always handsome and now I have a woman in my life who makes my life very happy and complete" he said while starting at Becky.

Becky is on duty with other servants, she is filling in the food counter with food.

I stare at her, she looks a little tired.

Becky was behaving weird while she was helping me with putting on my dress, I tried to confront her but she just left.

"I gave her that ring after proposing her to be my girlfriend" Preed whispered in my ears.

I feel sad and hurt, my vision is becoming clouded with tears.

"I.... I need to go somewhere" I excused myself from Preed hiding my tears.


I went to the greenhouse garden and sat in one corner crying.

"I don't have any right to be jealous or hurt by her! Pick yourself up Freen, be strong and be happy to see them happy" I whispered while crying and hugging myself.

This is what I wanted, now I have no right to cry over it.

Becky is just a maid, she means nothing more than that to me!

She is perfect with Preed, Preed is an amazing person and society will accept her respectfully being with Preed.

I have to pull myself up and be happy for them.

"Freen! What are you doing here?" I heard Nam's voice.

I wiped my tears "N.... Nothing".

Nam came close and saw me crying.

"Hey! You are a strong woman, how dare you to cry!!" She fixed my face and my hair.

She hugged me "Is it because of her?".

"Yes" I replied.

"Freen, you know society will never accept you two girls loving each other!"

"Yes, I know Nam. B...but I still care, I still lo...love her".

"You are Freen Sarocha Chakimha, why do you need to be feared of the society? Are you forgetting that you are the one who always lectures me to stand on my own feet and start a business? Where is my strong, caring and loving Freen!"

Nam is right, why do I need to care about society. I am the daughter of one of the richest person in Thailand, I can protect Becky from anything. But....

"Nam, you are right" I said while pulling away from her.

"But... But I don't know that she loves me. She already said yes to be Preed's girlfriend. What if she loves Preed?" I told my doubts to Nam.

"Freen, you didn't even told her about your feelings. Talk to her. Express you love to her. If she rejects you then it's her loss because I know that you are the better twin" Nam smiled at me.

"Thank you Nam, you are a saviour!" I hugged her and we again joined the party.


I know now what to do! I should talk to Becky and express my doubts and feelings.

Right now she is busy in doing work, once she is done, I will talk to her alone.

A handsome man approached me for a dance, but I said him no.

I saw that Becky is accompanied by Preed on her side, I felt jealous but I should not do anything in between the party.

Instead of dancing, Henry accompanied me in dinner. We talked about our businesses and lives.

We were having dinner while Becky was serving us food, Henry was sitting beside me.

Mistakenly Becky tripped off one of the glass on the table and the red wine fell down on my dress.

"I am sorry P'Freen, I don't know how this happened."

"It's okay Becca. Everyone please excuse me, I will be back after cleaning this wine. Please continue your dinner." I excused myself from the table and went to my room.


Knock.... Knock....

"Yes! Who is it?" I asked from my room.

"It's me Henry. Can I help you with something?"

"I am done Henry, you can come in" I opened my room's door.

He came inside my room "Nice room, but it's a little messy" he said while laughing.

"I unpacked my luggages in hurry" we both laughed.

"You wanted to ask me something important, so I came to you before leaving for home" Henry explained.

"Yes! Thank you Henry! Actually I am in a dire need of help" I pulled out that antique pocket watch from my luggage.

"You told me that you family business includes selling and auctioning antiques. I got this antique watch few months back, I want to know about it's history, but I couldn't find anything. Can you help me in finding about it's history?" I gave that watch to Henry.

"Freen.... If you can give this watch to me, I can send pictures of this to our collectors/buyers. Someone will definitely know about this" he said while analysing the watch.

"Thank you Henry!" I hugged him and he hugged me back.

"I have to go now Freen, give me your number so that I can contact you back".

"Yes, ofcourse. I also want your number."

We exchanged our numbers.

All the guests finally left. Becky is behaving cold towards me after the dinner.

Did I do something? Did someone scolded her?


"Nam! Where is Becca, she seems off" I asked Nam.

"She was tired so she went to her room to sleep early".

"Nammmm..... I want to talk to her now. Should I disturb her?" I asked Nam while hugging her from side.

"She could have been jealous of that Henry, you should definitely go and express your feelings for her, before it becomes too late" Nam patted my head.

I gave her a nod and went towards Becky's room.

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