133. Night on the cruise

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Third person POV

Rebecca vomits inside the washroom, Irin is with her to support her. Irin gave some medicines to Rebecca and Rebecca is a bit sober now.

"You can go Irin, sorry for dragging you with me. I am feeling better now, I will find Freen and go to my room"  Rebecca said.

"I am afraid that you will not be able to find her now, I saw her face when she ran away from the dining table. She must be hiding from you because of the way you literally ate her in front of everyone" Irin jokes.

"Arghhh! Stop teasing me! I will find her!" Rebecca feels guilty and wants to find Freen to clear if there are any misunderstandings.


Rebecca went to Nam's room, but Freen is not here. Rebecca asks Nam's permission to take Fluffy with her, to which Nam agrees.

"You must help me in confronting Freen" Rebecca says to Fluffy.

Fluffy is held on the leash and suddenly he starts running after hearing Freen's name from Rebecca.


Freen is in one of the rooms on the ship, she is lying on the floor in balcony. She fell asleep because she was drugged.

She opened her eyes and found Saint in front of her, he just entered the room.

"Saint!" Freen calls for him and tries to stand, but it turns out that her body is still under the drug's effects.

Saint looks at her with an evil smirk, but Freen didn't see this as she is still struggling to get up.

"Help me" Freen said.

Saint walks and pulls a chair to sit in front of Freen.

This time Freen looked at his expressions carefully, he seems weird.

"What are you doing?" Freen asked.

"Sitting and watching you struggling" he replies smiling at her condition.

Realisation hits Freen. That bag which she found today containing the bomb...it must belong to.....

"Did you tried to bomb this ship just to watch me struggling helplessly?" Freen asked.

Saint is surprised. He assumed that the ship crew found the bomb during the emergency inspection, he didn't thought that Freen would know about that bomb.

"How did you know?" Saint asked.

Freen's mind went blank for a moment, she never imagined Saint having this hidden side.

Why did he do all this was the question that kept running in Freen's mind.

She helplessly tried to think on an instance which could made Saint hate her like this.

Freen also hoped that this is not real and it's all just things running in her head which will disappear when she wakes up.

"I am talking to you!" Saint kicks Freen on the stomach. Freen screams in pain.

"Why are you doing this?" Freen asks Saint.

"Because you deserve this" Saint replies.

"You are an evil person who consumes all the good people beside her, you don't deserve to be alive as you should have been dead already on the day my father died with Preed and John in your place." Saint kicks Freen again, earlier Freen's body was under drug's effect so she was not able to move, but after getting hit like this, because of adrenaline pumping hard, she is able to feel her hands and legs.

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