74. Facing the truth

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Rebecca woke up very early in the morning. She turned and slept again as it's very early now. Suddenly she remembered something.... More like she remembered someone "FREEN!" she screamed as she frantically scanned the entire room, but to her disappointment Freen is not here. She sprinted out of the bedroom yelling for Freen "Babe? Teerak? Where are you? You are scaring me now!" She said as she started looking for Freen inside the house, but no one replied. Finally she found Freen sleeping in the main bedroom on the first floor. Rebecca groaned at Freen for making her worried.

Freen felt like someone is calling for her, she also felt like someone is staring at her in frustration. She opened her eyes, squinting at the white woman staring at her in frustration. "Good morning teerak" Freen said smiling lightly. "What are you doing here?" Rebecca asked coldly. Freen understood that Rebecca was angy at her for leaving her in alone in the midnight. "Come and hug me Teerak!" Freen ordered Rebecca.

Rebecca reluctantly laid bedside Freen, hugging her. Freen's hug calmed her anger down. She buried her nose in Freen's neck, inhaling her. "Someone woke up with lust!" Freen teased Rebecca. Rebecca's face turned red as she is shy.

"Stop teasing me" Rebecca said as she lightly bit flesh on Freen's neck. "Ouch!" Freen screamed, making Rebecca scared.

"I am sorry, I won't do it again" Rebecca apologized to Freen and pulled away. But Freen pinned her down with her right hand and climbed on top of her. "I believe in fighting back and giving back" Freen whispered in Rebecca's ears before biting Rebecca's neck and then sucking the spot making Rebecca moan. Freen smirked after she made Rebecca moan. She attacked on Rebecca's mouth, kissing and sucking her lips. With her right hand she started unbuttoning Rebecca's shirt. This was the first time that anyone touched Rebecca like this, kissed her like this. When she felt Freen's hand touching her stomach and brushing the border of her bra, she started feeling nervous. Freen is confused why Rebecca isn't reciprocating to her, the Rebecca she remembers wouldn't hold herself back. Freen reluctantly started pulling herself away from Rebecca, not making it obvious to Rebecca that she picked on her nervousness. "I am hungry Teerak" Freen said as she kissed Rebecca's chin before standing up from the bed. "I will go and freshen up." Freen said and left the room.

"Why did she stop? Did I do anything wrong? Ahh.... I did't wanted her to stop. Did she picked on my nervousness that it's my first time?" Rebecca thought in her mind.

After taking shower Rebecca went on the ground floor waiting for Freen to come down. Soon Freen also came down after showering. Rebecca groaned in frustration to get Freen's attention.

"What now?" Freen asked.

"Why did you left to another room in night?" Rebecca asked.

"Ahh.... I wasn't comfortable sleeping there. So I.... I went upstairs to sleep.... I was feeling uneasy" Freen replied hesitantly.

"Right.... I am sorry if I crossed any boundaries" Rebecca apologized to Freen as she realised that Freen must be weirded out by their close proximity while sleeping in night.

Freen looked at Rebecca with guilt on her face, she can see that Rebecca is misunderstanding her. Freen walked towards Rebecca and kissed her on the head "It wasn't because of you silly" Freen hugged Rebecca from back "The bed upstairs is more comfortable and the room have better air ventilation" Freen said looking away.

"Yes, because that is master bedroom. My parents used to use that room" Rebecca answered. "You are really a spoilt brait!" Rebecca exclaimed hitting Freen's hand lightly.

"Ouch! Teerak!" Freen fake screamed, Rebecca turned around in concern to check on Freen. "Did it hurt?" Rebecca asked.

"Yes, it hurts!" Freen said closing her eyes. "Where?" Rebecca asks.

"In here! I am hungry!" Freen exclaimed pointing at her stomach.

"Ahh! FREEN!"

"Why are you like this!! Let's go and have breakfast out today. I also need to buy more vegetables and meat to cook for us here" Rebecca got up and took her car keys. Freen followed Rebecca and they both left the summer house for breakfast and shopping.

"Teerak...." Freen said to get Rebecca's attention who is driving the car now. "Yes, Babe." Rebecca answered without moving her eyes away from the road.

"I.... Yesterday.... At midnight.... I got more of my memories back. I finally know my entire name!" Freen said in excitement.

Rebecca is happy that Freen is getting her memories back, but she is also scared that Freen will leave her for Becky once she remembers her real Becky. "I am very happy for you Babe...." Rebecca said in disappointment.

"Are you really not Becky?.... I don't know but when I am with you I feel complete.... Please teerak, please tell me the truth that you are my Becky" Freen said looking at Rebecca. Rebecca parked the car near the road and looked at Freen who is staring at Rebecca with eyes full of hope and questions. Rebecca held Freen's hands in her hands with tears in her eyes "Freen. Babe. I am not your Becky. I am telling you truth that I am Rebecca Armstrong. You are in this state because of me, it was my car which hit you on the road and you got these injuries. I am sorry for it, I am sorry for everything." Freen flinched Rebecca's hand in disappointment and anger. Freen's eyes are also tearful now and she feels disguised to be inside the car with the person who literally killed her with her car. Freen unbuckled her seatbelt and went out of the car, Rebecca followed her while crying. Rebecca cannot leave Freen here alone because - Freen doesn't know anyone here other than Rebecca and she loves Freen. When Freen left the car, Rebecca realised that how much she care about Freen, how much she is attached to Freen.

"Freen, please stop" Rebecca screamed while sprinting towards Freen who is walking away in anger. Rebecca hugged Freen tightly from back, making Freen stop from moving.

"Leave me! You have already done all the harm that you can do to me. You literally killed me, then you posed like my friend in hospital, then you kidnapped me with you here into nowhere and then you tried to impersonate as my girlfriend Becky. You are a criminal and an evil person. Get you hands off me! NOW!" Freen yelled at Rebecca.

"Freen.... I never wished to lie to you, I didn't intentionally hit you with my car. I don't know how, but you appeared out of nowhere in front of my car at the night of 31st December. I was the one who took you to the hospital. I always told you that I am not your Becky, you know it don't you?" Rebecca said.


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