22. Fountain Garden - I

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Becky POV

It's already two weeks now and I have no communication with Freen. I asked Heng if he knows anything but even he has no idea about her.

I also tried to call Mia, she just mentioned that Freen will be staying for few more days in Chakimha Family Mansion.

Somehow I was able to convince Richie to drive us there so that we can meet Freen. I still haven't told him about us dating.


We are at the Chakimha Family Mansion now, we have crossed the main gate. On the way we crossed the pond and I saw Freen, Heng and Anong playing jumping inside the pond. Even Bonbon is also playing with them.

Here I was worried about her, but she is just busy playing and partying with her friends. I frowned witnessing this.

Why the heck Heng lied to me that he doesn't anything about Freen?

I felt the anger in me rising more and more.

Richie stopped the care as he also saw Freen, he went out and called out to Freen "FREEN! WE ARE HERE!!".

Freen was surprised to see us here, I also went out of the car.

Freen came running towards me suddenly a brown horse came in between, averting her from moving towards us.

"Tokyo... Stop" she said laughing at the horse's cute antics.

"Yeah... Now I have to even fight with horse to get my girlfriend's attention" I whispered to myself.

"What?!" Richie asked me.

"Nothing Richie!!" I said frowning at him.

I started moving towards Freen, because the horse won't let her go out of that pond area.

"Excuse me! Who are you?" A man appeared in front of me to block me from going towards Freen.

"I am her GIRLFRIEND!!" I said in my mind.

"Saint! Don't stop them, they are my friends" Freen said.

He let us pass and Freen runs towards me to hug me tightly.

"I missed you so much silly! I can't live without you for a day, it was hell living without you for 2 weeks" she said while embracing me.

"Yeah! Atleast you are able to enjoy in this hell, chilling beside pond with your friends, pets and bodyguards. Apart from your girlfriend, your hell have everything" I said pushing her away.

She didn't let me go, she held my hand ignoring my angry antics and greeted Richie.

"So you don't have school today silly?" She asked me.

"Someone missed her school since she can't live without her GIRLFRIEND!!" Richie said teasing me, but this is reality, she is my girlfriend and I missed her very much these days.

"What a fool" I said in my mind.

"Awww" Freen said intervening our hands.

I just fake smiled at her showing that I am angry at her.

"Have you ever done horse riding silly?" Freen asked while taking us near the horse.

"No I haven't P'Freen".

"I see you are somehow angry at me, but I will let it pass since you came to visit me so far" she said while giving me a side eye.

"She is Tokyo, she is very nice and friendly. Come here silly you can pet her!" she pulled my hand to pet Tokyo.

"Yes, she is very beautiful and friendly" I said smiling at Tokyo.

"Freen I also want to pet the horse" Richie said to tease us.

"Stop it Richie! Let me spend some alone time with my girlfriend" Freen back-hugged me, teasing Richie by showing her tongue.

"Yeah! Yeah! Huh! Girlfriends" Richie said in disapproval.

"What a clown" I whispered to Freen.

Freen climbed up Tokyo and offered her hand to helm me climb up Tokyo.

"No! No! I don't know horse riding P'Freen" Freen frowned at me and bent down to whisper "If you don't come with them I will ask Richie".

"Huh!" I folded my arms in anger.

"Come here silly, you will love it".

Finally I agreed to do horse riding with Freen. I am sitting at front and with one hand Freen is holding me from back, with the other one she is holding the leash. This is scaring and exciting at the same time.

We were riding along the Chakimha Mansion boundaries.

Freen took us inside an old deserted garden.

"Welcome to fountain garden" Freen said kissing me on cheeks.

"Someone will see us" I moved my face away from Freen.

"Ahhh... You look so cute when you are angry".

The garden wasn't maintained and at the centre of the garden was a huge white fountain.

Freen went down from Tokyo. I frowned at her when she removed her arms that were around me.

"Let's sit here and talk" she offered her hand to me so that I can climb down of Tokyo.

"My little ANGRY BIRD" Freen moved my hair away from my face.

"Someone will see us P'Freen" I said moving her hands away from me.

"No one will find us here, you see this garden is deserted and I think people have forgotten about this place. In past this garden used to be very beautiful" Freen signalled Tokyo to rest and Tokyo sat down on the ground.

"Come here! I want you" Freen pulled me in her arms while sitting on the fountain steps.

We sat there silently for 2 minutes with Freen hugging me tightly. I can feel that how much she missed me and how much she craves for me.

"You didn't called me? Do you forget about me or you were busy partying here?" I questioned her.

"I lost all my chances of getting my phone, lastly I decided that I will behave well so that my parents will let me come for your birthday".

"Really? So you weren't able to call me even using Heng's phone?"

"Ohh silly, if I was able to call you then I would have. You see I am trying to behave as an ideal daughter." Freen said with fake smile.

We sat on the fountain steps holding onto each other and we finally reconciled.


We came back after 30-40 minutes, everyone else is already inside the house.

After entering the house a lady came towards us with questioning look on her face.

"Where were you? We were worried about you!" She said while folding her arms and giving us cold stares.

"I can be wherever I want, don't worry about me Mrs Chen" Freen signalled me to follow her.

"What was that?" I whispered to Freen.

"My daily drama" Freen said rolling her eyes.


Next day me and Richie left back for Bangkok. Heng and Anong will be staying for a few more days in Freen's house.

Freen explained to me that Mrs Chen keeps an eye on her every move there.

I also felt there was something off between Anong and Freen, like they weren't even seeing at each other, but I didn't confronted her about this.

I also met to Freen's mom and dad, they were happy to see me and Richie.

Inside the mansion me and Freen didn't got any alone time, I am already missing her again.

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