77. What 2023?

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The watch shined brightly, making Freen float in the air and then dropped her down on the floor which made her unconscious.

"Freen!" Rebecca screamed. She picked Freen up and put her in the car to take her to the hospital. Freen is still holding onto that watch in her hand. When reaching to the hospital, the nurses took Freen in the ICU and gave that watch to Rebecca. "She is just weak that's why she collapsed, we will give her some IV drip and she needs to rest now" the doctor said to Rebecca.

"Doctor, she injured her head in an accident few days back, could this be because of that injury?" Rebecca asked.

"We will be doing some scans to rule out this possibility, but I think it's just because of not having proper rest and food." Doctor left Rebecca.

Rebecca looked at Freen from outside the hospital ward. She can't believe her eyes when she saw Freen floating in air before she fell down. It's clear that this watch is no ordinary family heirloom, it hurted Freen. She dumped that watch in her car trunk, away from Freen as she doesn't want it to hurt Freen again. She came inside the ward and sat beside Freen keeping an eye on her.

Rebecca didn't believed about time travel before, but all the proof that Freen gave her made here believe in it. "I promise you Freen that I will save you and I will not let anything happen to you" Rebecca whispered to Freen who is still unconscious. Rebecca left the ward to have something to eat as she hasn't eaten the entire day.

Rebecca came back after eating light dinner in hospital cafeteria. She sat beside Freen's bed. The doctor has analysed Freen's reports and has ruled out the possibility of internal brain injury or any kind of internal injury apart from the small fracture on her left hand.

Rebecca was trying to stay awake but she fell asleep. When she woke up after few hours she saw that Freen is disappearing again. Freen is still unconscious.

Instead of calling doctors, Rebecca ran to her car and brought back the pocket watch. She put that watch in Freen's hands and Freen stopped disappearing. She figured out that this watch is the reason why Freen hasn't disappeared yet, it is not hurting Freen but it is trying to save Freen.

Rebecca held Freen's hand and stayed awake until Freen woke up.


"Finally you are awake!" Rebecca said to Freen.

"What happened to me, how did I end up here?" Freen asked Rebecca.

"You felt unconscious after this watch made you float in the air" Rebecca whispered to Freen.

Freen laughed at Rebecca "Stop joking!".

"Don't you remember this watch?" Rebecca said pointing to the watch in Freen's hand.

"What...  This? What about this watch?" Freen asked Rebecca in confusion. The last thing Freen remembers is Rebecca driving them for breakfast and revealing the truth that she has been imposing as her friend and she is the one because of which Freen is in this state.

"How are you feeling Freen?" The doctor asked who came in for inspection.

"I am all good!" Freen said passing a smile at Rebecca.

"Let me assure it" doctor said, he checked Freen's pupils, her heartbeat, her blood pressure, he asked her if she feels pain anywhere to which Freen nodded no.

"Good! If you want then you can go home now, but just take care of your diet and don't stress on anything." The Doctor signed Freen's reports claiming her fit to leave the hospital.

"See, I am okay" Freen said to Rebecca who still looks worried about something.

"Do you remember your full name?" Rebecca asked.

"Full name.... Freen.... I.... I don't remember more" Freen said while trying to remember but she cannot remember her full name.

"Do you remember Becky?" Rebecca asked.

"Becky who?" Freen asked in confusion.

Rebecca realised that this watch is saving Freen and keeping her here in this time by making her forget about the memories from her time.

Freen remembers nothing about her time, she just remember only about the things that happened after she came here. She also don't remember about all the things that she told to Rebecca about the future. She don't remember anything about her time.

"Rebecca?" Freen called to get Rebecca's attention.

"I am ready to forgive you for hitting me with your car and imposing yourself as my friend if you help me in finding my family and my real life...." Freen also don't remember anything romantic that happened between her and Rebecca because at that time the feelings Freen felt was for Becky, it was never about Rebecca. Rebecca Armstrong is just a stranger to Freen, who has hit her with her car, imposed as her friend and then sort of kidnapped her here into the sub-urbs.

"If that's what you want Freen, then I am ready to help you in any way possible. But you have to promise me one thing...."

"What?" Freen asked.

"You will never let this watch go away from your side. No matter what you are doing or wherever you are going, you are forbidden to put this watch away from your reach" Rebecca explained.

Freen don't understand why Rebecca is asking for this silly promise. "I don't understand it Rebecca, this is a stupid demand"

"I cannot explain why, but if you want my help them you have to promise me to always keep this watch within your reach"

Freen reluctantly said yes as she have no other choice. Rebecca smiled sadly at Freen and left the hospital ward to prepare for Freen's discharge. It's time for them to go back to the town to Rebecca's home because now after this expensive visit to the hospital, Rebecca is not left with much money to take care of her and Freen.

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