95. F.S.C.

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Rebecca POV

Me and Freen decided to tell the group about our relationship on my birthday, which is in two weeks.

This week has been very busy for Freen as she has joined the business school in mid-semester, she have to work extra on the assignments and on extracurricular activities. Almost all the days this week Freen spent in Tee's house where Tee and Daniel helped her out with the studies and the assignments.

Only her sweet kisses in the class breaks and the lunch time made it possible for me to let her stay away at Tee's house.

Today Freen promised me that she will spend the night in home, with me. I am very excited to finally spend some quality time together.

My uncle and aunt are also excited about today, as they also missed Freen like me.

It's 5pm now, Freen will be home by dinner at 8pm.

I am watching TV to deviate my mind from missing Freen too much.

"Rebecca! There's a letter for you, I have put it in the study room. Go and take it" my aunt said.

"Okay!" I replied and went to check the letter.

It's a big white envelope, without any sender's details anywhere on it. It's just have a big red seal with 'F.S.C.' initials on it.


I sat on the chair and opened the envelope. As I took out the letter, a picture fell out of the envelope. It's the picture of the pocket watch that I gave to Freen. Who sent me this?

I unfolded the letter and the sender's detail was at the top of the letter.

The sender is.... Freen.... Sarocha.... Chakimha.... from.... Bangkok.... Thailand.

"Freen? My Freen?" I asked to myself. I don't understand what is this? Did my Freen got her memories back and she remembered her full name? Did something happened to her?

My head is spinning with questions!

The handwriting in the letter is same as of Freen, but after reading the letter.... I realised.... The Freen who wrote this letter is not my Freen, it's some another Freen as my Freen hasn't even born yet.

The Freen in the letter wants to know about the origins of this watch and she is also interested in buying this watch at any price.

Few weeks back, I listed my pocket watch as an antique in a private company dealing with antiques. I listed this watch there to find about it's origin. I think that this Freen got my details from there and now she wishes to buy it from me.

Is this how the watch goes to Freen's family? They bought it from me and then my Freen in 2023 uses it to come into the past?

I cannot give this watch to the Chakimha's at any cost as my Freen will die without that watch, the timeline will forcefully erase her as she is not from here. This watch is her armour which is protecting her from being erased. This watch will stay with my Freen!

Future Freen won't be needing this watch as I will protect her and Becky from any bad fortune! This watch should never be used again. It will stay with my Freen.

"Yes.... The watch stays with me and my Freen, protecting us, keeping us together!" I said to myself.

I felt relieved that I listed this watch in a private company with NDA that they cannot release my actual details to anyone, any information related to this antique should come to me through them and the send won't know my real name and real address.

I took the letter and kept it in my room.


"My baby!" Freen came and kissed me on the cheeks, making me startled.

"Let me kiss you more, until Mr and Mrs Armstrong is setting up the dinner table" Freen looked in the hall confirming that no one can see us and then showered me with her sweet kisses.

"Save some for later Babe!" I said and kissed her on the lips.

"I have saved enough kisses for now and for later!" Freen said and kissed my forehead.

"Becca! Freen! Dinner is served!" My uncle announced.

"Let's go!" I said and we walked to the dinner table hand in hand.

Freen POV

After dinner we came back to Rebecca's room.

"What is this?" I asked looking at an  envelope on her desk.

"That's nothing Freen!" She said as she snatched the envelope from my hands.

"You are acting strange, but I will let it pass if you kiss me now" I wrapped my arms around Rebecca and closed my eyes waiting for her kiss.

"Freen.... I think let's sleep in our own rooms today" she said and got out of her room with that envelope.

She is definitely upto something. But what is she hiding from me?

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