3. Freen

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Freen POV

Freen was going back to the resort where she and her parents were staying for the new year's eve, Bonbon was right behind her walking fast with his small legs and wiggling his tail.

On they way Freen was recalling and trying to understand what happened today on the beach, how she met Becky.

"Interesting silly girl" Freen said while smiling and thinking about Becky.

"Is she real, is she the one I was supposed to look for and be with" Freen said to herself with sadness and confusion in her eyes.

Freen was so occupied in her thoughts that she didn't realised that she is already at the resort.

A man formally dressed in black and white suit came towards Freen and greeted her "Welcome back Miss Sarocha! You are late this time, please hurry back and get ready to go for the family dinner".

Freen snapped back to the reality and saw the man who is her bodyguard, his name is John, she smiled and greeted him.

On the other hand Bonbon was not so happy to see John, he started barking at him, but both John and Freen ignored Bonbon because he always barks at John.

Freen asks John to take care of Bonbon while she is with her parents. Freen thought in her mind "If John and Bonbon will stay together, they will eventually become friends, right now Bonbon hates John which is not good".

John took Bonbon with him and Freen left to go with her parents. Bonbon is still growling at John. John knows that the pup don't like him, so he gave the pup to hotel staff so that they can take care of Bonbon and he can do his bodyguard duties.

While getting dressed for dinner, Freen is still thinking about Becky ... "That silly girl, why was she scared on Bonbon? And why did she left so angrily? If I know her how does she not know me? Are you the one?".

"Thank God I had taken extra cookie treats of Bonbon with me, if I haven't given the cookie to the silly girl then she would have started to cry. Also I am lucky that the silly girl didn't noticed Bonbon jumping for his cookie treat on me... Hahahaha", Freen started laughing while recalling the meeting.

Freen hears a knock on the door, this was her Dad, he asked Freen to hurry and get ready fast.

"Yes Dad.." Freen said.... "I should hurry for the dinner and I will correct my mistake tomorrow and make the silly girl my friend when we will meet at the playground".

Freen befriended Richie on the beach and asked him about where she can meet them again. In return of this information she gave one cookie treat to Richie too. Even though it was a dog cookie treat, but still it tastes the same as normal cookie. It is one of those rich people dog cookie treat.

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