16. I rememberd

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Freen POV

"P Freen are you alright?"

"P Freen??!!"

Is this real, or ....

Becky moves her hand back and forth in front of my face to get my attention. I realised I have been just staring at her from the time I woke up.

"I am alright Becky." I reply still looking into her eyes and processing everything.

"Why are you staring P Freen, is something wrong with my face" she says while laughing.

I smile and break the staring "Nothing's wrong here Becky".

"Look I have arranged food for us here" she moves towards the table with food.

"You were very drunk last night, you slept till 1 pm today, see the clock." Becky points to the wall clock in my room.

"I was just tired Becky".

"And lost" I whisper to myself.

"I will be back in 5 minutes you can start eating Becky" I said and left for bathroom to freshen up.


I came back and took a sip of coffee.

"Ewww. It's too strong" I said in disgust.

"P Freen you only drink strong coffee" Becky reminds me.

"Do you have fever?" Becky puts her palm on my head to check temperature.

I move away her hand "I am fine Becky!".

I picked up the landline phone in my room, and dialled to the cooks to bring me a cup of tea.

I join back Becky for brunch "You liking the food? Let me know if you want anything else." I said with a small smile.

Becky doesn't say anything. We had our brunch in silent, things were awkward but why?

"Do you want a tour around here Becky?"

"No P Freen, you don't need to worry."

I look lovingly into her eyes "How I cannot worry about you my silly girl! Let me take bath first and then I will show you this mansion".

"Happy new year Becky" I said kissing her hands.

"Happy new year P Freen" she said with a small smile.

I left towards the bathroom. Becky seems off, I have to cheer her up. Is she sad because of yesterday?!

I took bath and came out but cannot find Becky in room.


I went around the mansion to search for Becky, I also asked John to secretly search for her.

Eventually we found Becky, she is somewhere on first floor.


I found Becky talking with Nop, I move towards her.

"Do you remember when we first kissed?" Becky asks Nop.

Nop is flabbergasted by this question.

"Yes, I remember."

"Did it ever felt wrong, have you ever regretted about that?"

I am shocked, is she regretting about what happened yesterday night?

"It was never awkward, I liked you and I wanted to show my love to you in any way possible" Nop smiles patting Becky's head.

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