Desired for You 4

Start from the beginning

"What're you trying to do to me, Hunter?" I ask her, keeping my right hand on her shoulder and I lightly drag my left hand down her body. "Seriously, are you trying to show everyone else what I'm teaching?" I ask her, noticing her blush as she lowers her head.

"S—Sorry." She apologises, speaking quietly.

"Good." I let out, softly. "By the way, I hate your dad." I confess, removing myself from her and walking over to her desk. Not hearing her say anything for a moment.

"Uh— What... What'd he do?" She asks me, walking over and sitting beside me, looking as if she's ready to fight him at any moment.

"He tried to convince me to go to therapy and I said that there was nothing wrong with me and he has the audacity to go 'Isn't there?' and tries to tell me that I need to talk about my feelings because my mom died. Yes, fine, maybe I do but never to a school councillor or therapist." I explain to her, her eyes look over at my bag as I pull out everything I need.


"Because one wrong word or choice of words and next thing you know, you're being examined and you're parents get a phone call about what you said only to shout at you when you get home. It's ridiculous. I'm not going through that again." I express to her, intensely. Getting more frustrated as I speak. I feel her hand rest on my thigh and her thumb begins to stroke my thigh.

"It's okay, Jenna." I hear her tell me, softly. "That's okay to feel like that. I'm sorry it happened in the first place. You deserved to be heard and feel as if you can say whatever." She continues onto comfort me, I smile softly and let my shoulders fall. Feeling every ounce of anger leave my body. I look into her eyes and rest my head on her shoulder.

"Thank you, Y/n." I thank her, speaking softly.

"It's okay." I hear her say, quietly in reply. I smile softly and remove my head, beginning to pull out my notes and my favourite pen then, I look over at Y/n.

"All right, I'm ready." I say to her, she already has her notes laid out and we begin to go over some stuff. She eventually grabs a t-shirt and puts it on but it took her about 5 minutes and it was really beginning to make me want to jump onto her.

I'm just glad she isn't torturing me anymore by seeing her amazing body.

"J... Jenna?" I hear her ask me, I look over at her and see her eyes practically pleading for me.

"Yes?" I answer in reply, leaning closer to her.

"When..." She clears her throat, patting her chest softly. "When are you going to teach me something?" I hear Y/n ask me, her eyes moving from the ground to me, I look into her eyes, wishing I never betrayed them. I lift my hand up, moving it hesitantly onto her cheek and she leans into my cheek for a moment, making me smile softly. I stroke her cheekbone,

"You want a first lesson?" I ask her, tilting my head. She nods her head, lightly. I get up and I move her hands onto my waist which she complies with but I can tell she isn't wanting to look down from my eyes. I move my right leg over hers and lower myself, staring intently into her eyes. Trying to find at which moment they begin to darken. Trying to decipher how far I can go with this. "All right, well, I need to find out what you like, first." I inform her, her eyes move away from mines and onto her textbook. I cup her chin, forcing her to look at me as I roll my hips against hers, leaning close. "I don't mean from a textbook, I mean what do you personally like when you're touched?" I question, searching in her eyes for an answer. She gulps, nervously, takes a breath and begins to think.

"I... I don't know." She answers,

"All right," I reply, softly. "have you ever masturbated?" I ask, point-blank. Needing to know. Even the thought of it is making me want to finish on her right here, at this very moment.

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