
Start from the beginning

"I just don't want any guys thinking of something that is objectifying." I reply, feeling her place a kiss on my shoulder since she's too small to reach my cheek. I smile, widely, feeling my cheeks heat up.

"Thank you, Y/n."

"No problem."


We're all sitting in mine, Tara, Quinn, and Sam's apartment, watching a movie.

"I'm really cold." I hear Anika complain, beginning to cuddle into Mindy. Mindy smiles widely, placing a kiss on her cheek. Rubbing her back with her left hand and rubbing her forearm with her right hand. 

"It is so cold." I hear Tara complain, I take my hoodie off and I tap her hand, she looks over at me and I move the left sleeve up her left arm then do the same for the right arm. I move the hoodie over her body and she keeps the hood up and is smiling. "You didn't have too."

"It's okay," I reply, quietly. Seeing her smile widely. 

"God, just make out already." We hear Quinn say, me and Tara look over at her.

"What?" Tara questions, glancing at me. 

"What, no." I deny, looking over at Quinn.

"What—? What? You're telling me you two don't like one another?"

"Shut up." I say, 

"Shh, movie." Tara says, giggling and pointing at the TV. I chuckle softly and lean more into the couch, getting myself comfy. I hear movement and notice Tara lean into me, progressively falling asleep.


The movie's done and Tara's fast asleep, as well as Chad and Quinn. 

"All right, I'm gonna take her to bed." I inform everyone, whispering quietly. 

"Thanks, Y/n." Sam thanks me, I shrug lightly and send her a small smile that she returns before beginning to stretch.

"All right, careful." I hear Anika whisper in reply, I nod my head and move one arm around her waist and the other under her knees. I move her closer to me then stand up, 

"Got it?" Ethan asks me, I nod my head, lightly.

"Yeah, thanks." I reply, quietly. I walk to Tara's room and I lie her down, moving the covers over her and turning her light off; I head toward the door, leaving the room, then shutting it behind me, I take a deep inhale in, staring down at the ground. I rub my eyes and head over to the couch, sighing. 


Me and my friends are at this party and I gotta say, it's really good. I'm really happy at the moment, I can't wait to get super drunk and take a lot of photos of my friends that I'll probably have to use so they can do something for me in the future.

Me and Mindy are talking with Ethan and Chad and I feel a tap on my shoulder, I turn to see Anika. I love Anika, she's that bitch for me.

"Hey, beautiful. You're needed." Anika informs me, I glance around— Tara. Where the fuck is she?


"Headed upstairs with some frat boy named Frankie." She informs me, speaking quickly.

"Shit." I immediately walk away, dumping my drink into Chad's chest; he takes hold of the drink, downing it and earning an excited, geeky cheer from Ethan.

I head over, seeing this fucking Frankie guy and Tara heading upstairs.

"Uh, hey—! Yeah, hi, Tara's good here." I announce, seeing them turn around,

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