A New Life

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It is currently 6:30 and Marshal Ney is standing outside this log cabin watching the sunrise above the flat grassy plains and the forest in the distance. Suddenly he hears the door open behind him and he turns around and looks at a young man with long light brown hair that is tied up at the back and emerald eyes. The man is wearing a baby blue waistcoat, brown trousers, and jet black boots. Marshal Ney starts speaking in a calm voice.

Marshal Ney: I see that you are awake Sylvain.
Sylvain Mesny: Yes my friend and I see that you still wear your sword and pistol.
Marshal Ney: I don't mind the clothes that you bought for us. But I prefer to keep my weapons on me.
Sylvain Mesny: It's been a month since you came here you shouldn't be worried about people being after you.

Marshal Ney: I know.
Sylvain Mesny: Are you still paranoid? Your son and his friend seem quite content. While you seem like someone who is being hunted.
Marshal Ney: A little. Especially since now, there is a new Emperor on the throne in France. Who probably wants me, my son, and possibly the Englishman to be executed for treason against his Empire.
Sylvain Mesny: No one will find us out here. We are in the middle of nowhere. Far from any town or city. You need to just relax my friend.

Marshal Ney takes a deep breath and Sylvain Mesny smiles at him. Sylvain proudly walks over to Marshal Ney and gently places his hand on his shoulder. Joseph Ney and Henry Wellesley then exit the log cabin with rifles in hand. Joseph Ney starts speaking in a cheerful voice.

Joseph Ney: We are going to go hunting for a bit Sylvain.
Sylvain Mesny: Remember to be careful out there. Also, remember those rifles do give a bit of a kick so don't hurt yourselves.
Joseph Ney: We will be careful.
Henry Wellesley: I'll make sure Joseph doesn't hurt himself. I know how reckless he can be.

Joseph Ney: Says you, Henry. You are almost as reckless as me.
Henry Wellesley: Yes but I don't try and get myself killed. I know when to stop.
Joseph Ney: Sure you do. Anyway, we will see you by noon Sylvain and you too father.

Joseph Ney and Henry Wellesley confidently and cheerfully walk off. Marshal Ney smiles a little bit. Sylvain notices this and he starts speaking in a cheerful voice.

Sylvain Mesny: Come let's have some breakfast I'm sure you are hungry.
Marshal Ney: Fine.

Sylvain and Marshal Ney walk inside the cabin and Marshal Ney sits down at the table. While Sylvain begins preparing breakfast. He then starts speaking in a calm voice.

Sylvain Mesny: I understand if you miss your home. Listen I use to live in France as well. But when I lost my father and my mother I didn't have much left in my home country. I couldn't join the war as I had to take care of my younger brother. I couldn't leave him.
Marshal Ney: What happened to him?
Sylvain Mesny: He died. Unlike me, he wanted to fight. He fought in the war in 1812 and those British bastards killed my brother. I lost a lot. And I understand that you have as well.

Marshal Ney awkwardly looked down at the table and Sylvain Mesny continued speaking in a calm voice.

Sylvain Mesny: You don't have to hide it, Michel. Talking about it helps. Well, at least it does for me.
Marshal Ney: I left my wife and two sons without telling them where I was going. I just told Eugené to look after his mother and his brother. He is kind even though he can make some very stupid choices in life. But I know that he would be able to take care of his mother and brother.
Sylvain Mesny: Do you regret anything?
Marshal Ney: I regret leaving my wife and my other two children. But I know that it was the right choice for them. I miss them deeply even though it's been a month.

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