A Search for Worthiness

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It is 10:30 and the British and Prussian Armies have set up their camp on a vast grassy plain. Meanwhile, in Frederick's tent, Frederick is calmly working at his desk and Voltaire is cheerfully working on his story. Suddenly Prince Henry calmly enters the tent. Frederick notices Prince Henry and stops writing something. Then he starts speaking in a calm voice.

Frederick: What is it, Henry?
Prince Henry: I noticed that you gave Lawrence his father's sabre.
Frederick: Yes I did Henry he deserves to have it. But he doesn't think that.
Prince Henry: Why does he think that he doesn't deserve his father's sabre?
Frederick: He doesn't think he is worthy of wielding it.
Prince Henry: Why does he think that?

Frederick: His father was a General as you know Henry. And Lawrence is just a Lieutenant.
Prince Henry: Does he think he is unworthy because of his rank?
Frederick: I have a feeling that might be the case.
Prince Henry: I also heard that he saved the Duke of Wellington.
Frederick: Lawrence in my eyes is worthy of his father's sabre. But I wish there was a way to make him see that.

Prince Henry cheerfully smiles and he starts speaking in a slightly cheerful tone.

Prince Henry: I'm sure that he will figure out that he is worthy eventually.
Frederick: Your right Henry.
Prince Henry: You are right about him being worthy I see it in him too. But he just needs to find it.
Frederick: He will find it. I know it. He will find that spark.
Prince Henry: Yes but he just needs time to find it.

Frederick: I know what it's like to not feel worthy. I didn't feel worthy of our father's sabre. At one point I didn't even feel worthy of the crown.
Prince Henry: I have felt that feeling as well at times. But then I realised that I am worthy.
Frederick: I hope that Lawrence will realise that he is worthy soon.
Prince Henry: He will Frederick.
Frederick: Anything else that you need to say, Henry?
Prince Henry: No I shall go back to my duties.

Prince Henry calmly exits the tent and Frederick continues with his work.

*Frederick in thought*
I know that he is worthy. I have seen it in him for a while. I just hope that he can find it.

I understand how he feels and he knows that. But I want him to see that he is worthy.

He has the spirit of a warrior. Just like his father. I know that he can find that spark and ignite that fire inside him. I know how great he can be and I know that he can prove to himself that he is worthy.

I will always believe in him.

Meanwhile, in the British camp in Wellington's tent. Wellington is calmly staring at a map that he has placed on his desk. He then begins marking things down on the map. A couple of minutes later Lord Uxbridge calmly enters the tent. Then he walks over to Wellington and stands beside him. He then starts speaking in a calm yet serious voice.

Lord Uxbridge: How long until we reach our destination sir?
Wellington: I would say four days. Maybe seven depending on the weather.
Lord Uxbridge: I see.
Wellington: Anything else Uxbridge?
Lord Uxbridge: How do you think Lieutenant Sundermann will do as a Captain?

Wellington: If he ends up being a Captain in a few days I'm sure that he won't be troublesome like Captain Watson. He will make a great Captain Uxbridge.
Lord Uxbridge: I agree with you, sir. I'm sure he will definitely be better than Captain Watson. That man causes way too much trouble for my liking.
Wellington: Indeed. He kept upsetting the Prussian King. If he does anything like that again I might have to have him stripped of his rank.
Lord Uxbridge: That is understandable sir.
Wellington: Anything else Uxbridge?
Lord Uxbridge: No sir, I shall continue with my duties.

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