Learning From Past Mistakes

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Joseph Ney is standing on top of a hill staring at the sky. Which looks like it has been painted with fiery reds, oranges and yellows. Suddenly he hears footsteps behind him and he turns around and notices his father staring at him with a small smile on his face. Marshal Ney starts speaking in a calm voice.

Marshal Ney: Good morning Joseph.
Joseph Ney: Good morning father.
Marshal Ney: Joseph I understand that you are possibly annoyed at me. But I'm just trying to protect you. You are my son and I care about you.
Joseph Ney: Father I understand that. But I just wanted to do a mission on my own.
Marshal Ney: I can't allow you to do that. I will not allow you to sneak around the British camp.

Joseph Ney: Father I'm old enough to do a mission alone. I am trained enough to do something like that.
Marshal Ney: You take too many risks. I'm not allowing you to go on a mission alone. Especially with what happened at Eylau.
Joseph Ney: I don't need to be reminded of what happened at Eylau father.
Marshal Ney: You need to learn from the mistakes you made. If you don't learn from them you could get yourself killed.
Joseph Ney: Just stop trying to remind me of what happened!

Joseph Ney begins storming off back to his tent. But suddenly he feels Marshal Ney grab his hand and stop him in his tracks. Joseph Ney sighs out of annoyance and he starts speaking in an irritated tone.

Joseph Ney: I don't need any reminders father. Just leave me alone.
Marshal Ney: You need to learn from your mistakes son. I don't want you getting yourself killed. I care for you a lot.
Joseph Ney: Eylau was only one mistake father.
Marshal Ney: It was a mistake that almost cost you your life!

Joseph Ney: I understand that it was an almost fatal mistake. But please for once in your life father let me do missions on my own.
Marshal Ney: I will not allow you to do that. You are under my command. Have you forgotten that my son?
Joseph Ney: No I haven't forgotten that father. However, you are going to have to someday allow me to do missions on my own again.
Marshal Ney: I feel that you aren't ready.
Joseph Ney: You have always said that.

Marshal Ney lets go of Joseph Neys hand and Joseph begins walking back to his tent feeling frustrated. Eventually, Joseph reaches his tent and walks inside and sits down at his desk. Henry Wellesley notices how frustrated Joseph is. Henry starts speaking in a calm yet slightly confused tone.

Henry Wellesley: What's wrong Joseph?
Joseph Ney: Just my father and his overprotectiveness. He still isn't happy about me going on that mission with you.
Henry Wellesley: I see.
Joseph Ney: He also doesn't want me to go on any more missions for now. He wants me to be safe.

Henry Wellesley: That is understandable he is your father.
Joseph Ney: Yes but I feel like he needs to understand that I need to be able to do the missions myself.
Henry Wellesley: I'm sure that he will allow you to do that someday.
Joseph Ney: I'm fully capable of doing the missions myself.

Joseph Ney sighs out of frustration and slight anger. Joseph Ney starts speaking in a tone full of annoyance and slight rage.

Joseph Ney: It seems that my father just doesn't understand that I'm capable of doing a mission on my own!
Henry Wellesley: Joseph.
Joseph Ney: He doesn't believe in me does he!?
Henry Wellesley: Joseph I believe in you. I'm also sure that your father does even though it doesn't seem that way right now.

Joseph Ney: I know that he loves and cares about me. But I want him to know that I can do a mission on my own!
Henry Wellesley: Joseph I'm sure that you will be able to find a way to show him that you can do a mission on your own.
Joseph Ney: I don't want him to see me as a failure!
Henry Wellesley: You aren't a failure Joseph.

Blood Secret (Under Going Editing)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin