Brothers With Shattered Bonds

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It is currently 8:30 am and Kitty Wellesley is standing near the river's edge. Calmly listening to the peaceful steady flowing river she suddenly hears leaves rustling on the other side.

Joseph Ney comes out of the forest and he stops and awkwardly stares at Kitty. Kitty Wellesley starts speaking in a calm yet serious voice.

Kitty Wellesley: Who are you and why are you here?
Joseph Ney: I should be asking you the same question ma'am.
Kitty Wellesley: You are a Frenchman aren't you. So why are you here so far from your camp?
Joseph Ney: Just to get water...Nothing else.
Kitty Wellesley: Why should I trust you?

Joseph Ney: I'm not going to do anything to you. I'm just here to get water. That's all I'm here to do.
Kitty Wellesley: I suggest you go somewhere else before someone sees you. Because I know that they would definitely kill you.
Joseph Ney: I'm not frightened of the British.

Joseph carefully kneels down on the edge of the river bank and begins filling his canteen. Suddenly Henry Wellesley calmly approaches Joseph and he stops and awkwardly stares at Kitty Wellesley.

Henry Wellesley starts speaking in a slightly mocking voice.

Henry Wellesley: How is my stupid brother Kitty?
Kitty Wellesley: How dare you hurt Arthur! How dare you betray him to join the French!
Henry Wellesley: Oh dear Kitty you don't understand how much I suffered serving under Arthur...That bastard sidelined me.
Kitty Wellesley: That doesn't give you the right to try to kill him! What is wrong with you Henry!?

Suddenly Wellington hastily walks over to Kitty and puts himself in front of her. Preparing to defend her at any cost. Wellington starts speaking in a calm yet serious voice.

Wellington: Henry you will stay away from my wife. Also, you will most definitely stay away from my wife you Frenchman.
Joseph Ney: I wasn't going to do anything to your wife at all sir. I promise you that!
Henry Wellesley: Arthur why would I hurt your dear wife?..

Wellington: I can't trust you anymore Henry so I'm not letting you anywhere near my wife.
Henry Wellesley: What you think I'm going to kill her!?
Wellington: Yes because you are clearly being threatening.
Henry Wellesley: I am not being threatening Arthur. I would never kill your dear Kitty...
Wellington: I suggest you leave Henry...

Kitty Wellesley nervously backs off and Wellington starts speaking in a serious voice.

Wellington: Henry I suggest you leave before someone gets hurt.
Henry Wellesley: What are you seriously going to fight me again!?
Wellington: I don't want to fight you, Henry.
Henry Wellesley: Of course, you don't because you are a coward! You are too scared to fight me let alone kill me!

Wellington: The reason why I don't want to fight you is that I love you, Henry!
Henry Wellesley: Just forget about me Arthur like you always did! I was always forgotten by you.
Wellington: Henry...
Henry Wellesley: Stop trying to repair our relationship!

Wellington begins holding back tears of guilt and sadness. Wellington begins speaking in a slightly upset voice.

Wellington: Henry I don't want to let go of this relationship...I didn't know that I was hurting you.
Henry Wellesley: Well that's too bad because you are going to have to let this relationship go! Besides you were the one who shattered our bond!
Wellington: I didn't mean for this to happen Henry...
Henry Wellesley: Stop trying to act that you care now, Arthur! Because you don't and you didn't in the past!

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