The Blood of a Warrior (Part 2)

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Disclaimer: There will be a lot of violence in this chapter. You can skip this chapter if you are sensitive.

It is currently 5:30 in the French camp. Wellington slowly opens his eyes as he hears someone outside the tent. Wellington immediately looks up and Marshal Ney enters the tent. Marshal Ney smirks then he starts speaking in a calm and slightly cheerful voice.

Marshal Ney: I thought I would never get to meet you. Especially under this circumstance.
Wellington: What would someone like you want Marshal?
Marshal Ney: Information. Specific information about your plans.
Wellington: Your not going to get them.
Marshal Ney: I will get the information eventually. Even if it means possibly hurting you in the process.
Wellington: You would have to just kill me. Because I'm not going to give you anything.

Marshal Ney: I'm not going to kill you. I need information from you first.
Wellington: You are not going to get anything, Marshal. You will just have to kill me.
Marshal Ney: I will get something out of you and then your brother will end you. Then this war will be over.
Wellington: This war won't be over if you kill me, Marshal.

Marshal Ney calmly walks over to Wellington and he violently slaps him across the face. Marshal Ney starts speaking in an irritated voice.

Marshal Ney: Putain de bâtard tu vas tout me dire. (You fucking bastard you are going to tell me everything.)
Wellington: Tu réalises que je comprends le français. (You do realize that I understand French.)
Marshal Ney: Tu me dégoutes. (You disgust me.)
Wellington: Donc tu n'aimes pas que je parle dans ta langue? (So you don't like me speaking in your language?)
Marshal Ney: Non c'est juste entendre la langue que je parle sortir de la bouche d'un anglais me dégoûte énormément. (No it's just that hearing the language I speak coming out of an Englishman's mouth disgusts me greatly.)
Wellington: Je m'excuse de vous avoir fait ressentir cela, Maréchal. (I apologise for making you feel that way, Marshal.)

Marshal Ney rolls his eyes and then he slaps Wellington across the face again. Marshal Ney starts speaking in a threatening tone.

Marshal Ney: You should be glad that I don't cut out your tongue. But then I guess I wouldn't be able to hear you beg for mercy before your brother kills you. I suggest you get some rest it's early.

Marshal Ney exits the tent and Wellington starts staring at the ground once again.

*Wellington in thought*
Would he really cut my tongue out? I wouldn't expect such a man like him do that.

I wonder who is going to get me out of this predicament.

The Marshal also wants to torture me. That is just great. Then Henry will kill me.

I honestly didn't expect the Marshal to want to torture me himself. He also seems way too pleased about it. Has he possibly tortured people before?

I just hope someone gets me out of here soon. Kitty will be getting worried. She would have definitely noticed that I didn't return last night. I hope that she doesn't come and find me. I don't want to know what the French could do to her. They could hurt her just to get me to talk.

Stop panicking Arthur. Calm yourself. They want you to panic so that they can get you to talk. Just get some rest.

Wellington slowly closes his eyes and tries to get some rest. Thirty minutes later Wellington hears someone walking outside the tent. He then slowly opens his eyes and lifts his head up. Joseph Ney then enters the tent and Wellington stares at Joseph with a look of slight confusion. He then starts speaking in a calm yet slightly confused voice.

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