A Toxic and Deadly Plot (Part 1)

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Joseph Ney is currently working at his desk carefully writing something. Suddenly his quill breaks which causes him to stop writing. Then he sighs out of frustration and a slight fiery rage.

Henry Wellesley starts speaking in a slightly confused voice.

Henry Wellesley: Why are you so annoyed, Joseph? This is the third time you have broken a quill today.
Joseph Ney: I just found out something frustrating from the scouts this morning.
Henry Wellesley: What did you find out?
Joseph Ney: We have lost the location of the British and Prussian camps.

Joseph Ney grabs another quill and continues carefully writing his reports. Joseph continues speaking in a frustrated voice.

Joseph Ney: I don't know what my father is going to say.
Henry Wellesley: Are you worried about him being upset at you?
Joseph Ney: Yes, I just don't want to be seen as a failure to him. I want to make him proud in this war.
Henry Wellesley: You will make him proud. But what are you going to do?

Joseph Ney: I was thinking of doing a spy mission just you and me. But there is a problem with this plan.
Henry Wellesley: What kind of problem? Also why me?
Joseph Ney: My father is a bit protective of me. I just have a feeling that he won't agree with this plan. Also, the reason why I have decided that you are coming is that you are my friend Henry.
Henry Wellesley: He cares about you. He probably doesn't want to lose you.

Suddenly there is a bright flash and a loud boom. Joseph accidentally snaps his quill out of slight fear due to the noise. Joseph then takes a deep breath and regains his composure.

Henry Wellesley calmly gets up from the wooden stool and walks over to Joseph. Then he gently puts his hands on Joseph's shoulders.

He notices that Joseph still seems tense. Joseph starts speaking in an awkward and tense voice.

Joseph Ney: Henry, please just leave me alone. I'm fine.
Henry Wellesley: Joseph relax. You will not be seen as a failure to your father.
Joseph Ney: Henry unlike you I have someone who I want to be proud of me. My family cares a lot about me.
Henry Wellesley: He will be proud of you Joseph when you go through with the mission and complete it.

Joseph Ney: If I fail to complete the mission I will be seen as a failure.
Henry Wellesley: In my eyes, you won't be a failure.
Joseph Ney: Thank you, Henry. You're a great friend.

Suddenly Marshal Ney enters the tent. Then he immediately begins fixing his fiery hair which is dripping from the storm.

Henry Wellesley awkwardly lets go of Joseph's shoulders. Then he stands there awkwardly staring at Marshal Ney who has fixed his hair.

Marshal Ney starts speaking in a calm yet serious voice.

Marshal Ney: Joseph do the scouts know where the British and the Prussians are?
Joseph Ney: No we have lost the location of the British and Prussian Armies. But I have a plan father.
Marshal Ney: What kind of plan Joseph?
Joseph Ney: I plan to go on a spy mission myself with the Englishman.

Marshal Ney sighs out of annoyance and slight worry. Then he starts speaking in an irritated and slightly worried voice.

Marshal Ney: It's a good plan, Joseph.
Joseph Ney: You don't agree with it do you?
Marshal Ney: You are my son and you mean a lot to me. I don't want to lose you.
Joseph Ney: I understand that father.
Marshal Ney: I do not agree with you going on this mission.
Joseph Ney: I understand that father.

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