His Majesties Safety

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Disclaimer: This chapter will include a lot of violence. You may skip this chapter if you are sensitive to this.

It is now 1:00 pm and Prince Henry is hastily walking down the hallway. He suddenly stops and stares at the shattered window and the many shards of glass on the ground with concern. He starts feeling his pulse quickening and his muscles tensing up along with his mouth becoming dry. He suddenly begins walking down the hallway again towards Fredericks room. He knocks on the door.

Prince Henry: Frederick?
Frederick: Yes Henry?
Prince Henry: May I come in I need to talk to you.
Frederick: Yes Henry you may enter.

Prince Henry gently opens the door and he enters the room gently closing the door behind him. He notices Frederick staring out of the window. Frederick seems calm his posture is relaxed and his arms are loosely by his side. Prince Henry walks closer to Frederick he stops and stares at Frederick keeping strong eye contact. Frederick suddenly turns around and he notices that Prince Henry is staring at him. Frederick starts speaking with a warm tone in his voice.

Frederick: What is it, Henry?
Prince Henry: I...
Frederick: Yes?
Prince Henry: I'm concerned about your safety Frederick...
Frederick: I know I can tell.
Prince Henry: Frederick why didn't you at least try to defend yourself?
Frederick: Henry you know that I don't want to hurt him.
Prince Henry: I'm just...

Prince Henry sighs but continues staring at Frederick.

Frederick: I understand that you are concerned for me. But I didn't want to hurt Fred that's why I didn't defend myself.
Prince Henry: You could have gotten yourself killed.
Frederick: I'm use to that.

Prince Henry approaches Frederick and he stops and places his hand on Fredericks shoulder. He stares into Fredericks sky blue eyes.

Prince Henry: Your safety is important to me and this kingdom.
Frederick: I understand that.
Prince Henry: I'm...concerned that Fred wanted to possibly kill you.
Frederick: I don't think he would be able to bring himself to kill me. He ran off after doing what he did.
Prince Henry: How are your hands?
Frederick: They are fine. It doesn't hurt.
Prince Henry: Should I do something about Fred?
Frederick: No let him calm down for a while.
Prince Henry: I understand...
Frederick: I know that you are concerned and I thank you for expressing your concerns, Prince Henry.
Prince Henry: Thank You for listening to my concerns Frederick.
Frederick: You may leave now Henry. Try to calm yourself down a bit. I can tell that you are very concerned.
Prince Henry: Thank you Frederick and I will try to calm myself.

Prince Henry takes his hand off Fredericks shoulder. He steps backwards away from Frederick.

Frederick: Henry I'll be alright.
Prince Henry: I...I understand.
Frederick: Just go relax Henry.
Prince Henry: Yes Frederick.

Prince Henry walks over to the door and he gently opens it. He walks out into the hallway gently closing the door behind him. He starts rapidly walking down the hallway. He suddenly stops in front of the shattered window again. He quietly sighs to himself and then starts walking down the hallway again.

Meanwhile in Voltaire's room. Voltaire is sitting in a corner of his room. He is curled up in a small ball and is shaking. He feels his heart beating really fast along with his adrenaline spiking. His legs and knees feel extremely weak. He suddenly starts whispering to himself.

Voltaire: I'm such an idiot...
Voltaire: Why did I do that?

Voltaire starts crying and whimpering.

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