Family Visit

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It is early in the morning and Frederick is sitting at his desk staring at his battle plans.

Frederick: Which one do I choose?

Frederick suddenly notices the door handle moving slightly. Frederick gets up from his desk and steps over to the door and he gently opens it up. He looks down and he notices a little girl with brown hair and brown eyes who is wearing a light blue dress. Frederick smiles at the little girl.

Frederick: Fredericka nice to see you. But where is your mother?
Fredericka: Mummy is downstairs with uncle Henry.
Frederick: Come Fredericka I want to see your mother.

Frederick starts walking down the hallway. He suddenly feels a gentle tug on his pant leg and he stops and stares at Fredericka.

Fredericka: Hug.
Frederick: Alright.

Frederick gently picks Fredericka up and he holds her in his arms. Fredericka suddenly grabs Fredericks hat and puts it on and she smiles and quietly giggles.

Frederick: you're cheeky aren't you.
Fredericka: I want to be like you uncle.

Frederick smiles and he starts walking down the hallway with Fredericka still in his arms.

Fredericka: Where is Fred?
Frederick: I don't know where he is.

Frederick continues walking down the hallway. He suddenly gets to the stairs and he notices Henry who is wearing a Prussian Uniform. He also notices his sister Wilhelmine who is wearing a dark blue dress.

Wilhelmine: Frederick my dear brother how have you been?
Frederick: Fine.

Wilhelmine walks up the stairs and she stops at the top of the stairs. She stares at Frederick. She notices that Frederick seems tired.

Frederick: Something wrong sister?
Wilhelmine: Frederick I want to talk to you about something.
Frederick: Alright.

Frederick gently takes his hat off Fredericka's head and he puts it back on. He then gently puts Fredericka down. Fredericka stares at him.

Fredericka: Hat.
Wilhelmine: It seems that she likes your hat.
Frederick: Yes.
Wilhelmine: Fredericka do you want to go be with uncle Henry while I and uncle Frederick talk.
Fredericka: Alright mummy.

Fredericka carefully walks down the stairs.

Frederick: Where do you want to talk sister?
Wilhelmine: Somewhere private perhaps.
Frederick: Alright.

Frederick and Wilhelmine start walking down the hallway together.

Frederick: She's grown a lot since I last saw her.
Wilhelmine: She looks up to you.
Frederick: I can tell. She said that she wants to be like me. I didn't know what to say to that.
Wilhelmine: She doesn't realise that little girls like her can't be soldiers.
Frederick: I didn't want to tell her that. I didn't want to upset her.
Wilhelmine: Someday she will have to know the truth.
Frederick: She's too innocent.
Wilhelmine: Yes right now she is. She doesn't need to know about war Frederick.
Frederick: You know don't you.
Wilhelmine: It's been in the papers, Frederick.

They stop at the door to Fredericks room. Frederick gently opens the door and he then walks in and sits down on the bed. Wilhelmine then walks in and gently closes the door behind her.

Frederick: What do you want to talk about sister?
Wilhelmine: I could tell that you were lying to me about you being fine Frederick.
Frederick: Wilhelmine I'm sorry and your right I'm not fine.
Wilhelmine: What happened Frederick?
Frederick: The Prince...he reminded me of something.
Wilhelmine: What?
Frederick: He reminded me of what my father did to me.
Wilhelmine: Oh...
Frederick: I snapped at him. I shouldn't have...I haven't seen him since this morning he didn't talk to me over breakfast. He just gazed at me.
Wilhelmine: Frederick...did you try to apologise?
Frederick: No...I don't know how to apologise to him. I'm trying to be someone who he can see as a father. But he keeps telling me that I'm not his father. I know this but I want to be a father figure for him.
Wilhelmine: Frederick you're trying to do a good thing for him. He lost his father when he was only young no one should have to go through that.
Frederick: I regret getting angry at him...I couldn't sleep well last night. I was annoyed at myself.
Wilhelmine: Frederick...

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