A Letter and A Mercenary

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It is 5:45 am and Wellington is still peacefully sleeping. Lord Uxbridge enters the tent and he notices that Wellington is still sleeping.

Lord Uxbridge: Wake up sir...

Wellington ignores Lord Uxbridge and continues sleeping.

Lord Uxbridge: Sir Arthur wake up!

Benedict and Lennox Fraser enter the tent and awkwardly stare at Lord Uxbridge.

Lennox Fraser: Can't you wake him up?
Lord Uxbridge: No...
Benedict Fraser: I have an idea...
Lord Uxbridge: Can I trust you with this idea...Even though you two are high ranking officers you still cause mischief like children!
Lennox Fraser: It's mostly Ben...
Lord Uxbridge: I'm sure that I can wake him up myself.
Benedict Fraser: Come on Lennox I know some friends who might be able to help with this situation.
Lennox Fraser: I think I know what you are planning.

Lennox and Benedict Fraser exit the tent and Lord Uxbridge lingers inside the tent waiting for Wellington to wake up. A few minutes later bagpipes can be heard outside of the tent. Wellington slowly opens his eyes and he stares at Lord Uxbridge with slight confusion.

Wellington: Uxbridge did you order them to wake me up?
Lord Uxbridge: No...
Wellington: Well who did?
Lord Uxbridge: Colonel Fraser.
Wellington: What is the time Uxbridge?
Lord Uxbridge: It's almost 6 o'clock sir.
Wellington: I hope no one has been causing trouble.
Lord Uxbridge: Not that I know of sir.
Wellington: I guess I should prepare myself for today.
Lord Uxbridge: I shall leave you to do that sir.
Wellington: Thank you Uxbridge. Also, tell them that they can stop now.
Lord Uxbridge: Yes sir.

Lord Uxbridge exits the tent and the bagpipes stop. Wellington lies in bed and stares at the top of the tent.

*Wellington in thought*
I wonder when I'm going to get a letter from my dearest Kitty?

Why am I also having nightmares about her hurting me or killing me? She would never hurt me she loves me dearly.

I don't mind the good dreams they remind me of how much she loves me and how much I love her.

I should just get ready for today.

Wellington gets out of bed and gently grabs his dark blue coat. Gently putting on his coat and buttoning it up he then grabs his jet black boots and sits down and starts tying them up. Getting up and walking outside into the slightly frigid air Wellington looks around and notices that no trouble is being caused. Lord Uxbridge suddenly walks up to Wellington and he smiles a little bit.

Lord Uxbridge: Looking for something sir?
Wellington: Is there a stream or any freshwater source around here?
Lord Uxbridge: Yes there is a stream nearby sir.
Wellington: Good I was just planning to go fill up my canteen.
Lord Uxbridge: Alright sir.
Wellington: Where is this stream exactly?
Lord Uxbridge: It is through the forest in a clearing. It's quite a large stream.
Wellington: Are you sure that you didn't mistake the stream for a river?
Lord Uxbridge: No sir. It's just a big stream.
Wellington: Alright.
Lord Uxbridge: Are you sure that you don't need me to guide you to it?
Wellington: No Uxbridge I'm sure that I can find it myself.

Wellington walks off towards the forest. Walking through the forest he hears the sound of many different birds chirping. Along with the leaves rustling in the gentle breeze. A few minutes later he hears the sound of rushing water and he sees the clearing. Walking into the clearing Wellington notices the large fast flowing stream.

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