Work and Roses

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It is now 7:00 pm and Frederick is out in the hallway staring at the fiery sunset. He suddenly hears footsteps coming towards him and he glances down the hallway and he notices Prince Henry walking over to him. Prince Henry stops next to Frederick and he grins a little bit.

Frederick: Henry what do you need?
Prince Henry: Nothing...I'm just glad you seem calm even though you have an important meeting with some generals tomorrow.
Frederick: Henry I need you and Fred to be at the meeting tomorrow. I can't tell my messenger to tell Fred that he's needed at the meeting. The messenger is a bit busy delivering the letters to the generals in Berlin at the moment.
Prince Henry: Frederick you know that Fred isn't happy with me at the moment.
Frederick: I know the situation. But I need you to do it, Henry.
Prince Henry: Fine Frederick. I'll go tell him. But before I go tell him have you had dinner Frederick?
Frederick: Yes I have Henry. Don't worry so much.
Prince Henry: I was just making sure you are taking care of yourself. I know you work a lot and you sometimes forget to take care of yourself. I'm your brother after all and I just want to make sure you are alright.
Frederick: I understand Henry.

Prince Henry walks down the hallway and he stops at the door to Prince Fredericks room. He gently knocks on the door.

Prince Henry: Fred.
Prince Frederick: What?
Prince Henry: Look if you are still annoyed at me I understand. But I need to tell you something important so please let me in.
Prince Frederick: Fine...

Prince Frederick opens the door and Prince Henry walks in closing the door behind him.

Prince Frederick: What do you need to tell me?
Prince Henry: There is an important meeting with some generals tomorrow.
Prince Frederick: Why are you telling me this?
Prince Henry: His Majesty wants you to come to the meeting.
Prince Frederick: Fine. I'll be there.
Prince Henry: See you tomorrow.

Prince Henry gently opens the door and walks out into the hallway. He glances down the hallway and he notices that Frederick must have gone back to his room. Prince Henry gently closes the door behind him and he starts walking towards Fredericks room. He stops in front of the door and gently knocks on it.

Prince Henry: Frederick?
Frederick: Yes what is it, Henry?
Prince Henry: Fred will be at the meeting tomorrow.
Frederick: Excellent.
Prince Henry: I will see you tomorrow Frederick.
Frederick: Yes.

Prince Henry walks off down the hallway.

A few hours later.

Frederick is lying in bed staring at the ceiling.

Frederick: I won't fail my kingdom. I won't lose any more people I care about.

Frederick quietly sighs to himself.

Frederick: Father if you are watching me. I don't care if you are not proud of me. I have made this nation a great nation and it will not fall. I will not let it. Long live our Fatherland...

Frederick slowly closes his eyes allowing sleep to take over. He slowly opens his eyes and he notices that he is lying in the middle of a battlefield. Smoke is still in the air from the recent cannon fire and gunfire. He slowly gets up and looks around noticing a lot of devastation and many lifeless bodies of French and Prussian soldiers. He feels uneasy due to the stillness in the air. He suddenly hears a faint voice calling to him.

???: Your Majesty...

Frederick rapidly walks in the direction of the faint voice. He suddenly notices a man with short dark brown hair and blue eyes along with a short beard who is wearing a Prussian Army uniform lying on the ground. He has been slashed through the chest with a sabre.

Blood Secret (Under Going Editing)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant