Peace Time

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Wellington is standing at the bow of the Victory and is gazing out across London harbor. A couple of minutes later he hears some footsteps behind him and Horatio Nelson stands beside Wellington. Horatio Nelson starts speaking in a calm voice.

Horatio Nelson: Well it's almost been a month since the battle. How are you feeling Wellesley?
Wellington: I could be better.
Horatio Nelson: Still wondering about what happened to your brother?
Wellington: I don't even know if he's dead or alive.

Horatio Nelson: You are going to have to move on Wellesley.
Wellington: It's hard.
Horatio Nelson: I understand that it's hard for you to move on. But you can't allow this to keep bothering you.
Wellington: Your right Nelson. I can't let it keep bothering me.

Horatio Nelson puts his hand on Wellington's shoulder. Wellington quietly sighs to himself and continues looking out at the harbor.

*Wellington in thought*
Henry even though you don't love me anymore I still love you. You better be alive for my sake.

I don't want to find out that you have died in some sort of accident. You still mean a lot to me even though you betrayed me.

Nelson is right though I still need to move on from Henry's betrayal. Even though betrayals do hurt a lot.

Horatio Nelson starts speaking in a calm yet serious tone.

Horatio Nelson: Are you planning to try and go for Prime Minister?
Wellington: That I'm still thinking about.
Horatio Nelson: Take your time it is a difficult decision to make. After all, you will be making decisions for the whole country if you do become Prime Minister.
Wellington: I would also have to deal with many more people not liking my decisions.

Horatio Nelson: Dont be so negative Wellesley. I don't think that everyone would hate you, especially after what you did out on the battlefield.
Wellington: I'm also unsure about being in such a powerful position. Leading a country would be more difficult than leading an army.
Horatio Nelson: Indeed but I know that you have excellent leadership, Wellesley. You do have the qualities that would make you a great Prime Minister.
Wellington: Your right Nelson. But I'm unsure if I'm ready.
Horatio Nelson: Again take your time to think about it. Don't rush into something without thinking.
Wellington: Your right I shouldn't rush myself.

*Wellington in thought*
I guess Nelson is right I do have the right qualities that would make me a great Prime Minister.

Although leading a nation is different from leading an army. You have to worry about the opinions of a lot of people. I have also heard that people in parliament can be difficult at times according to William. But thats just William's opinion as well he doesn't like people he considers to be difficult.

Still, I feel like I need more time to think about my decision. I can't be rushing into things thats not the right thing to do. It's best to think first.

Horatio Nelson smiles at Wellington and starts speaking in a calm yet slightly cheerful tone.

Horatio Nelson: I shall be off Wellesley I have things to do.
Wellington: Alright Nelson.
Horatio Nelson: Don't forget what I told you. Remember don't rush your decision about being Prime Minister. Also, try to move on from Henry I don't want you to be suffering. Because you can't move on from the incident.
Wellington: Yes Nelson.

Horatio Nelson: If you do need any advice from me you can send me a letter at any time.
Wellington: Alright Nelson.

Horatio Nelson calmly walks off leaving Wellington gazing out at the city. Eventually, he loses himself in his own thoughts and begins reflecting on what happened between him and Henry. Tears start slowly streaming down his face and he tries to wipe them away. But more tears keep coming. A few minutes later Wellington hears footsteps behind him. Kitty Wellesley walks up to Wellington and stands beside him. She then notices the tears streaming down his face and starts speaking in a soft and comforting voice.

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