His Troubling Past.

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Disclaimer: This chapter will contain a lot of violence and a mention of someone having a panic attack. If you are sensitive to this please skip this chapter.

It is now 2:00 pm and Lawrence is calmly strolling down the hallway. He suddenly stops in front of Voltaire's room. He gently knocks on the door.

Lawrence: Voltaire?
Voltaire: Yes what is it, Lawrence?
Lawrence: I need to ask you something.
Voltaire: Alright come in Lawrence.

Lawrence gently opens the door and he enters the room closing the door behind him. He notices that Voltaire is writing some poetry.

Lawrence: I know I should have asked you this when we first met Voltaire. But how did you learn to understand English?

Voltaire suddenly stops writing and he sighs and stares at Lawrence.

Voltaire: It's a long story, Lawrence. A story that I don't prefer to talk about...My past is a troubling one.
Lawrence: What do you mean by that?
Voltaire: When I lived in France I ended up in prison twice. And almost a third time which would have been a life sentence. All because of a stupid rich nobleman who hated a small thing that I did.
Lawrence: Jesus Christ...
Voltaire: That's one of the reasons why im glad that I left my homeland...
Lawrence: What was the small thing you did that upset this nobleman?
Voltaire: Lawrence...I don't feel like talking about it right now.
Lawrence: I understand.
Voltaire: Talk to me later perhaps I will think about telling you about my past. But please respect my decision if I say no.
Lawrence: I will. I promise Voltaire.
Voltaire: Thank You, Lawrence.

Lawrence gently opens the door and he exits the room closing the door behind him. He suddenly notices the messenger Felix walking towards him with a letter in hand.

Felix: Lieutenant Sundermann?
Lawrence: Yes?
Felix: Is Voltaire busy I need to deliver a letter to him.
Lawrence: He is writing some poetry but I'm sure you can still deliver the letter.
Felix: Alright I will deliver it to him.
Lawrence: Alright now I must go have some lunch, sir.
Felix: Alright Lieutenant Sundermann.

Lawrence starts promptly walking down the hallway. Felix gently knocks on the door.

Felix: Voltaire I have a letter for you.
Voltaire: Just slip it under the door.

Felix kneels and gently slips the letter under the door. He then starts promptly walking down the hallway. Voltaire stops writing his poetry and he gets up from his desk. He walks over to the door and he gently picks up the letter. He walks back over to his desk sits down and gently moves his poetry to the side. He unfolds the letter and places it on his desk. He starts reading it.

June 14th 1815

Hello my dearest brother Arouet

I miss you why don't you come to visit me anymore it's been years since you have been in France.

Why did you run away to Potsdam to live with the Prussian King?

Look I just want you to come to visit me instead of being stuck in a room writing poetry all the time.

Please Arouet I just want to see you again.

Your dearest sister Catherine.

Voltaire: I told her to stop calling me by my previous name. I told her that I changed my name. She never listens! I guess I need to write to her.

Voltaire gently grabs a blank piece of paper from his pile of blank pages. He gently moves the letter to the side places the blank piece of paper on his desk and starts writing.

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