Glory or Death

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Disclaimer: There will be some violence in this chapter. If you are sensitive you can skip this chapter.

It's currently 3:30 pm and Joseph Ney is calmly sitting at his desk writing something. While Henry Wellesley is sitting on a wooden stool reading a French newspaper. Joseph notices this and stops writing and awkwardly stares at Henry. He then starts speaking in a calm and slightly confused voice.

Joseph Ney: Do you know how to read that?
Henry Wellesley: Yes, I know how to read.
Joseph Ney: I wasn't meaning if you know how to read. I was meaning if you understand what you are reading. Do you even understand French?
Henry Wellesley: Yes, I understand French.
Joseph Ney: Well that's a surprise. I thought all, you British people only understood English.
Henry Wellesley: I also know a small amount of Prussian...

Joseph Ney: Interesting. Well, I also know some English but I wouldn't dare to speak it around my father. I would probably get punished for it...
Henry Wellesley: I see...
Joseph Ney: I secretly taught myself...So my father doesn't know. Don't tell him. That's a secret that I want to keep to myself.
Henry Wellesley: I see...Also, don't worry I'll keep it a secret.
Joseph Ney: Good...

Henry Wellesley quietly sighs to himself and he starts speaking in a slightly frustrated voice.

Henry Wellesley: I don't know what to do about my brother. I have a feeling he now knows that I'm with the French now...
Joseph Ney: Well you did say that you do want to get rid of him...
Henry Wellesley: Is there anywhere that is far away from both camps where I could possibly try and do the deed?
Joseph Ney: There is this forest that has a river flowing through it that is quite far away from both camps.
Henry Wellesley: I don't know how I could kill him though. He is my brother. It still feels wrong.

Joseph Ney: Killing the ones who use to love you is the hardest thing to do. But you do still want your revenge right?
Henry Wellesley: Yes I still want revenge. But this will be hard for me to do.
Joseph Ney: Not everything is easy in life. Life also isn't fair it gives things and it also takes things. Life has taken many things from me. But now it's given me a friend.
Henry Wellesley: Life has also taken many things from me...I lost the one I loved to someone greater. I have now probably lost my family and my country. But now I have been given a chance to start a new life.
Joseph Ney: What are you going to do now?
Henry Wellesley: I shall think of a plan...
Joseph Ney: Alright...

Meanwhile, in the British camp, Wellington is calmly writing something. Kitty Wellesley starts speaking in a slightly concerned voice.

Kitty Wellesley: Arthur...You have been quiet all morning and for most of the afternoon. Are you alright?
Wellington: Henry is with the French...I don't know what to do about that I want him to come back. But I have a feeling he won't.
Kitty Wellesley: He might come back...
Wellington: I'm doubtful that he will come back. He has this extreme hatred for me now. He wants me dead Kitty.
Kitty Wellesley: Arthur I don't think that he would kill you. You are his brother and I'm sure that deep down he still loves you.

Wellington: I don't think he loves me anymore Kitty. I think that it's too late to repair that relationship.
Kitty Wellesley: Arthur families do sometimes have these scandals and falling outs. But they can be fixed.
Wellington: Kitty I don't think this situation is fixable...My brother has betrayed me, the rest of the family, the army and his country. This relationship is beyond repair and I can't fix it. I'm going to continue with my work.
Kitty Wellesley: Alright...

Meanwhile, in the French camp, Henry Wellesley is calmly writing a short note.

Brother, I want to meet you in the forest near the river at sunset.

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